The Three Brothers and the Magic Carpet

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Once upon a time, there were three brothers who lived in a small village in the desert. They were poor and had to work hard to earn their living. One day, they decided to go on a journey to find their fortune. They packed their bags and set off on their camels.

Along the way, they met an old man who was sitting under a palm tree. He greeted them and asked them where they were going. The brothers told him their plan and asked him if he had any advice for them. The old man smiled and said, "I have something that might help you. It is a magic carpet that can take you anywhere you want in an instant. But be careful, it has a mind of its own and will only obey you if you are worthy of it. If you are greedy, selfish, or dishonest, it will leave you stranded in a dangerous place."

The brothers were amazed by the offer and asked the old man how much he wanted for the carpet. The old man said, "I do not want any money or goods for it. I only ask that you share your stories with me when you return from your journey. I am lonely and love to hear tales of adventure." The brothers agreed and thanked the old man. They took the carpet and continued their journey.

The eldest brother was the first to try the carpet. He said, "I want to go to the richest city in the world and become a wealthy merchant." He sat on the carpet and said the magic words that the old man had taught him. The carpet flew into the air and carried him away.

The second brother was the next to try the carpet. He said, "I want to go to the most beautiful land in the world and marry a princess." He sat on the carpet and said the magic words. The carpet flew into the air and carried him away.

The youngest brother was the last to try the carpet. He said, "I want to go to the most wonderful place in the world and learn from wise people." He sat on the carpet and said the magic words. The carpet flew into the air and carried him away.

The eldest brother arrived at a splendid city full of gold and jewels. He was dazzled by the sight and quickly found a place to stay. He started trading with the merchants and soon amassed a fortune. He bought a mansion, a carriage, and many servants. He lived in luxury and indulged in his every whim. He forgot about his brothers and the old man who had given him the carpet.

The second brother arrived at a lush land full of flowers and fruits. He was enchanted by the beauty and soon met a princess who was looking for a husband. She fell in love with him at first sight and agreed to marry him. He became a prince and lived in a palace with his bride. He enjoyed his life of leisure and pleasure. He forgot about his brothers and the old man who had given him the carpet.

The youngest brother arrived at a peaceful place full of books and art. He was delighted by the knowledge and soon met a wise man who was looking for a disciple. He accepted him as his student and taught him many things. He learned about history, science, philosophy, poetry, and more. He lived in harmony with himself and others. He remembered his brothers and the old man who had given him the carpet.

After some time, the old man decided to check on the brothers. He used his own magic carpet to visit them one by one.

He first went to see the eldest brother. He found him in his mansion, surrounded by riches and servants. He greeted him and asked him how he was doing. The eldest brother did not recognize him and treated him rudely. He said, "Who are you? What do you want from me? Go away, I have no time for beggars like you." The old man was saddened by his words and left without saying anything.

He then went to see the second brother. He found him in his palace, surrounded by beauty and love. He greeted him and asked him how he was doing. The second brother did not recognize him either and treated him coldly. He said, "Who are you? What do you want from me? Go away, I have no need for strangers like you." The old man was hurt by his words and left without saying anything.

He finally went to see the youngest brother. He found him in his hut, surrounded by books and art. He greeted him and asked him how he was doing. The youngest brother recognized him immediately and treated him warmly. He said, "You are the kind old man who gave me this wonderful carpet! How are you? What can I do for you? Please come in, I have so much to tell you." The old man was pleased by his words and entered his hut.

They spent hours talking about their experiences and adventures. The youngest brother told him everything he had learned and seen. The old man told him stories from his own life and travels. They laughed and cried together. They became friends.

The old man then asked the youngest brother about his elder brothers. The youngest brother told him what he knew and said he missed them. The old man said, "Do you want to see them again?" The youngest brother said, "Yes, I do. But how can I? They are far away and have their own lives." The old man said, "Don't worry, I have a way. Come with me, we will use my carpet to visit them."

They took the old man's carpet and flew to the city where the eldest brother lived. They landed outside his mansion and knocked on the door. The eldest brother opened the door and saw them. He was shocked and angry. He said, "What are you doing here? How did you find me? Get out of here, I don't want to see you." He slammed the door in their faces.

The old man said, "He has changed for the worse. He has become greedy and selfish. He does not deserve the carpet." He snapped his fingers and the carpet that the eldest brother had left in his room flew out of the window and joined them. The eldest brother saw this and ran after them, shouting and cursing. But it was too late, they had already taken off.

They then flew to the land where the second brother lived. They landed outside his palace and asked for an audience with him. The second brother came out and saw them. He was surprised and annoyed. He said, "What are you doing here? How did you find me? Go away, I don't want to see you." He turned his back on them.

The old man said, "He has changed for the worse too. He has become vain and arrogant. He does not deserve the carpet either." He snapped his fingers again and the carpet that the second brother had left in his closet flew out of the door and joined them. The second brother saw this and ran after them, screaming and threatening. But it was too late, they had already taken off.

They then flew back to the place where the youngest brother lived. They landed outside his hut and hugged each other. The old man said, "You have not changed for the worse, but for the better. You have become wise and humble. You deserve both carpets." He gave him both carpets and said, "Use them well, my friend. And remember me always." The youngest brother thanked him and said, "I will never forget you, my friend. And I will always use them well." They said goodbye to each other and parted ways.

The youngest brother then used one of the carpets to visit his brothers again. He tried to reconcile with them and share his wisdom with them. He hoped they would change their ways and become happy again.

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