The Two Friends

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There were once two friends who lived in a village. They were very close and loyal to each other. They shared everything they had and helped each other in times of need. They were happy and content with their simple life.

One day, they heard about a famous magician who was visiting the nearby town. He was said to perform amazing feats of magic and to grant wishes to those who pleased him. The two friends decided to go and see him, hoping to witness his wonders and maybe get a favor from him.

They packed their bags and set off for the town. They walked for a long time, until they reached a bridge over a river. They saw a beggar sitting on the bridge, asking for alms. He was old and ragged, and he looked very hungry and miserable.

The first friend felt sorry for him and gave him some bread and coins. He said, "Here, take this. May God bless you and ease your suffering."

The second friend was stingy and selfish. He did not give anything to the beggar. He said, "Why should I waste my money on you? You are lazy and useless. Go and work for your living."

The beggar thanked the first friend and cursed the second friend. He said, "You are kind and generous. May God reward you and grant you your wish. You are cruel and greedy. May God punish you and deny you your wish."

The two friends ignored his words and continued their journey. They reached the town and found the magician's tent. They joined the crowd of people who were waiting to see him.

The magician came out of his tent and greeted the people. He said, "Welcome, welcome, my friends. I am here to entertain you and amaze you with my magic. And if you are lucky, I might even grant you a wish. But be careful what you wish for, because it might come true."

He then performed some tricks that dazzled the eyes and delighted the ears. He made flowers appear out of thin air, he turned water into wine, he made a rabbit come out of his hat, he levitated in the air, he read people's minds, he guessed their secrets.

The people clapped and cheered, and some of them tried to impress him with their compliments or gifts, hoping to get a wish from him.

The two friends watched him with awe and envy. They wished that they could have some of his power and wealth.

The magician noticed them and called them to his side. He said, "You two look like good friends. Tell me, what do you wish for?"

The first friend said, "I wish for peace and happiness for me and my friend."

The second friend said, "I wish for all the power and wealth that you have."

The magician smiled and said, "Very well, your wishes are granted." He then waved his hand and snapped his fingers.

Suddenly, everything changed.

The first friend found himself back in his village, with his family and friends around him. He felt a warm glow in his heart, and he realized that he had everything he needed to be happy.

The second friend found himself in the magician's tent, with all his magic tools and treasures around him. He felt a cold chill in his spine, and he realized that he had lost everything he cared about.

He looked for his friend, but he could not find him. He was alone.

He tried to use the magic tools, but he could not understand them. He was ignorant.

He tried to enjoy the treasures, but he could not appreciate them. He was unhappy.

He tried to escape from the tent, but he could not leave it. He was trapped.

He cried out for help, but no one heard him. He was forgotten.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2023 ⏰

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