Hearts Racing

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Raichu: Last time on Total Drama Pokemon The Next Generation, we had a variety of challenges! They included good old fashioned battling, an explosive snowball fight, and being trapped in a poisonous gas filled room. During the day, Riolu punched Igglybuff hard, quickly turning him into public enemy number one for bullying the "precious little sweetheart". However, he ended up saving himself by earning invincibility alongside Scizor and Fidough. We also got to see Quaxly finally confess his feelings for Sprigatito, but unfortunately for him it didn't go exactly as he hoped... yikes. While he had it rough, Scorbunny had it worse, as he ended up being the one eliminated. We are now down to the final eight, and we've got another staple challenge for these newbs today. Find out what it is, right now, on Total Drama Pokemon!

(Theme song; in the girls cabin)

Igglybuff: Sprigatito? Are you alright?

Sprigatito: Hmm? Oh yeah I'm okay.

Igglybuff: Um... you kinda just tore up your pillow...

Sprigatito: Huh? (Looks to see she had clawed up her pillow) Oh oops, yeah I guess I'm just a little stressed. You know the whole thing with Quaxly yesterday is all. I don't understand what's going on with him!

Igglybuff: I know, I have no idea why he's acting so weird and assuming you are into Grookey? Who coulda given him that idea?

(In confessional)
Igglybuff: Tehe. Me! That's who!

Sprigatito: (changing the subject) So Alcremie, you doing okay?

Alcremie: Huh? Oh you're talking to me? Oh, u-um yeah I'm alright I guess...

(In confessional)
Alcremie: Yeah I'm not a big fan of love triangle drama. I really don't want myself roped into all that drama that's going on. It's just so anxiety inducing.

Sprigatito: Hey let's go get the morning slop early so we can avoid the boys.

Alcremie: Yeah um about that. Grookey has been standing outside with a pie for the past ten minutes so... exit the cabin at your own risk.

Sprigatito: Ugh, I'll deal with him. (Exits the cabin and runs into Grookey) DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT-

Grookey: Hey! This pie is for you! Enjoy!

Sprigatito: AGH NO- (winces but then opens her eyes to see Grookey just holding out the pie) Huh? Wh-what are you doing?

Grookey: Um, handing you a pie? (Laughs) Oh wait did you think I was gonna pie you in the face? (Starts laughing) I mean that'd be funny but you really hate my pranks so I wouldn't do that anymore. Anywho, I was hoping this pie would help to end any animosity between us?

Sprigatito: Animosity? Grookey trust me, it's all okay. Don't let Quaxly speak for me on this, he's angry with you for no reason. Know that I don't feel the same way he does. He's way out of line with getting mad at you, pushing you into those lasers, so I'm sorry too.

Grookey: Alright then, awesome! (Happily starts drumming a tune with his stick)

Sprigatito: (laughs) Aww wait I know that tune! (Starts to sing along)

(In confessional)
Sprigatito: I really like this musician side of Grookey, he's really naturally talented.

(In confessional)
Grookey: Okay nobody cancel me for this... but Sprigatito's singing voice is so much better than Jigglypuff's.

(In the spa hotel)

Fidough: Oh yay! Breakfast pastries, my favorite! (Starts filling up a plate)

Riolu: (walks in) Looks good Fidough.

Total Drama Pokemon 3: The Next Generation Where stories live. Discover now