Let the Madness begin!

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As we wait for the next thing to start tell me. What did you think about what you saw on the screen?

"I felt a bit sad and scared when they got eaten alive" Prim said with a tinge of sadness in her voice

"I am wondering what they did to be put in a dungeon and what happened to all the prisoners in there." Claudia answered

"I only want to know how to make the weapons they had. Hey mysterious voice! Can you please tell me how to make them!" Lulu said

I'm afraid that I can't do that for I am not allowed to give you anything you see in these viewings. But to let you know you have found the correct items to make the early versions of guns, known as muskets.

"Damn! But at least I can find the things to make them!" Lulu said excited

"Hey voice! What are we going to watch exactly?" Said Alicia

You are going to watch Madness Combat. It is a series where there is nothing but violence, blood, death. Not necessarily in that order but necessarily in mass quantity's. it is a place where madness thrives. If you were to go there you would have a hard time surviving.

Most of the people present gasp

"How could such a place exist!?" Celestine said surprised

"What do you mean, there's only violence?" Claudia narrows her eyes "Where are the knights?" She questioned

There is no order. Only Madness.

Attention all viewers! The Show is going to start in 10


Prim ready's herself for the bloodshed


Maia gets comfortable as does Volt


Celestine says a small prayer as does Kaguya


Claudia narrows her eyes at the screen


Olga gets comfy in her chair as Chloe keeps watch on all occupants in the room.




The stranger in the back of the theater silently watches everyone in front of him while silently cleaning his magnum.


The show Madness Combat is starting.

The Screen turns on showing two gray people next to a tree. One man is holding a boombox while playing music as another gray man is dancing in the background

"Oh, that is a lovely scenery!" Celestine said

"Why are the people gray?" Alicia questioned as Claudia nodded

The man on the left walks over to the man holding the boombox but he gets punched by the man.

"Oh my!" Prim says

"Damn" Volt said

The one who got punched in the face quickly stands back up angry and dodges another punch from the boombox man and quickly punches him killing him.

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