2. Damn you stop unsuppressing my memories.

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[The Game]

All rights of RWBY and other content such as pictures or references do not belong to me they are owned by there respected creators.


Jaune POV

1st Year Dorms

After my talk with Ozpin I waited a bit longer until I headed towards the team dorms no one had given me any clue into which was my teams so I just had to hope that its still the same from what I saw, reaching the door which I believed to be mine so I held my Scroll to the screen and thankfully there was a confirmation and the door unlocked 'glad that's still the same' I thought.

Slowly pushing the door open I was greeted to a sight I've seen more times then I can count but have never really seen in person the room was just as it was during my viewing, the four beds each having a bedside draw, but what caught me a bit off guard was that my three teammates looked like they had already decided on the beds as the three of them were either lying down or just sitting on the edge with their belongings scatted around each section leaving one of the beds untouched and empty looking.

As I finished opening the door I saw Pyrrha look up from her Scroll and we made eye contact, as this happened I saw her vivid green eyes light up and I almost blushed, I couldn't help it seeing her in the flesh remined me about all the different relationships we had from friends sometimes enemies and even lovers and I quite vividly remember some of the more.. intimate moments we had so it was a little embarrassing to see her so happy.

"Jaune!" she shouted I could actually hear the joy in her voice as she stood up, in doing so I also watched as Nora jumped up from her bed with a toothy smile and Ren stopped her meditation to also turn to me, I really did feel quite a bit of happiness seeing them all this happy just to see me, 'alright Jaune don't mess this up' I thought smiling back at all of them "hey guys" I said.

Even with all if the countless hours I've watched them Nora appearing suddenly inches from my face still startled me "Gah!" I said jumping back a bit as Nora started her torrent of questions.

 "Ahhhh!!.. Fearless leader is that really you, I mean of course its you.. I mean I think its you, no I know its you.. unless..." she quickly rambled until stopping a questioning look on her face until it morphed into a horrified look "OH NO... FEARLESS LEADERS A GHOST!!... YOU'RE A GHOST RIGHT? I MEAN YOU MIGHT BE A GHOST RIGHT.. OH NO OH NO OH N-" she continued on but I couldn't help myself from just bursting out laughing.

"Pffh.., no Nora I'm not a ghost" I chuckled placing my hand on her head to prove it watching as she seemed to calm down and stand still with a smile.

'honestly she reminded me a bit of a hyperactive puppy with all that energy but it was good to she she hadn't changed from the viewing' as I thought this I decided to try using my skill again 'Observe'. 

[Using [Skill:] [Observe] on target 'Nora']

[Nora Valkyrie] [Lv 28]

[Race: ] [Human] 

[Title:]  [hyperactive], [Invisible muscles], [Pancake connoisseur], [Survivor] 

[Class:]  [Destroyer]

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