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"You need to take care of yourself, Lisa! You're acting like a complete idiot. You need to listen to me!" Jennie snapped, eyeing her girlfriend from across the main room from the sofa she'd moved to once the 'discussion' had finally fell into argument territory.

"I am looking after myself. I know my body and I feel fine." Lisa huffed, stubbornness coming through as she kept her eyes on Jennie's, gaze burning.

"I don't just mean physically and you know that." The brunette grumbled, puffing her cheeks out in frustration before continuing. "You tell me the same thing - you're even more protective than I am. So why can't I tell you to take care of yourself and ask to help?"

"I prefer to deal with things on my own. And right now there's nothing for me to be dealing with!"

"You're getting drowned in hate and you're saying you have nothing to deal with? Lisa you aren't giving me enough credit for how long I've known you and how well I know you. This has got to be bothering you. Why can't you just talk to me-"

"You can barely handle your own shit, Jennie! Why would I talk to you about anything when you struggle with your own problems?!" Lisa bellowed, chest puffing up and down as she took in a few deep breaths.

"I share mine with you, Lili. You should be able to do the same-"

"Well I don't need or want to tell you everything."

That came out wrong and Lisa knew it the second she said it, too distracted to see the wounded look on Jennie's face, but also still too heated in the moment to say anything in apology.

"You don't need to tell me everything, I just want to be there for you." The brunette rebutted, eyebrows furrowed in annoyance as she stood from where she was sat, wine glass in hand and beginning to clear her stuff up.

"Look, Jen. I know you love me to death, but there's nothing wrong. And I'm not obligated to talk to you." Lisa finished, expecting another rebuke from Jennie, but the brunette didn't say anything else.

"Jennie?" She tried.

"Okay." Was all she said.


"Okay." The brunette finalised, walking out of the room and up the stairs.

What? Lisa thought, rising from her seat to follow her girlfriend, though by the time she was heading up the stairs Jennie was walking out of the room and in the direction of the guest room.

"Jen, come on. You're being immature." She muttered, watching the brunette turn around to
face her, eyes glassy but her face set in anger before she slammed the door.

Great. She thought. The last thing Lisa had wanted was for their night to end like this, and now the two of them were going to be sleeping in separate beds.

Walking into their room, she'd found that Jennie's pillow from her side of the bed was missing, alongside her phone charger.

Looking further though, Lisa also realised that Jennie's favourite one of her hoodies was missing from the place in her drawers, the sight making her sigh.

Part of her wanted to go and talk to the brunette now, but she also knew Jennie benefited from her own time to cool off before wanting to talk things through. And this time around the situation wasn't black and white. Lisa had said things she didn't mean and Jennie had acted rash whilst also (though unintentionally) had put a lot of pressure on her to speak about her emotions that she wasn't ready to share yet.

So she decided to let Jennie work through it in her own time, climbing into bed after brushing her teeth and switching the light off, but not going to sleep, knowing deep down that Jennie wouldn't take too long before sneaking back when she thought Lisa would be asleep.

Just like she knew she would, Jennie opened the door as quietly as she could around twenty minutes later, tiptoeing around the room and re plugging her charger into the wall, pillow placed back on its rightful side of the bed, before she laid down, cautiously shimmying toward Lisa, curling into her chest.

"You okay?" The younger girl murmured, Jennie tensing in response to her being awake, which only made Lisa laugh a little, arm wrapping around the brunette.

"I didn't realise you were awake." Was all the brunette said to begin with, before she tilted her chin up to press a kiss to the base of Lisa's jaw, finding her hands the dark and playing with her fingers.

"I'm sorry." She murmured, sighing a little to herself and holding onto Lisa's index and middle fingers out of nervousness.

"I know you are." Lisa muttered, leaning down to press a lingering kiss to the brunette's forehead.

"I'm sorry too, Nini. I worded some of what I said horribly. I know I don't need to talk to you all the time, but I do want to. I'm just not in the right place yet." The brunette nodded against her throat, sniffling a little.

"Are you crying?" Lisa whispered, pulling her hands out of Jennie's to seek out her face in the dark, cupping her cheeks and wiping where they were wet.


"I'm just really sorry. I didn't think about what I was saying-"

"Neither did I, sweetheart. But we're talking healthily now and that's all that matters. I knew you were going to come back in here for a little while, I knew that was just part of your process. You've done it a few times now you know? And every time I'm still awake to feel you trying to sneak back into bed like it's a spy mission." That broke a little giggle out of the brunette, Lisa feeling her cheeks pull up into a gummy smile as she held them.

"I am really sorry."

"I forgive you, Baby. I'm sorry too."


Don't forget to check out 'Owned' that I'm publishing again, should become a weekly update hopefully! Go enjoy it!

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