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"I don't know how to explain this..."

Oda merely looked at me with his normal stoic face but I could tell he was confused by the twitch of his eyes.

"...please let me stay with you until I pull myself together." I'm scared. I want to lay down somewhere and stay asleep.

Oda agreed to my request and grabbed a futon. He went to a room and placed it down there.

The room was similar yet different from the one I had while in the mafia.
The room here only had one small window at the top and no furniture in it.

Yet it was more comforting than the mafia's. Oda handed me the futon, blanket, and pillow. I set it up and sat on it staring at the wall.

Oda left the room and shut off the lights so I could sleep. Oh..It's already nighttime?

I lied down on the bed and fell asleep rather quickly.

When I opened my eyes again, I saw sunlight shining through the small window.

I opened the door and went out to sit on a chair. Oda wrote a note saying he had to go to his job and that If I wanted to go out he made a copy of his keys for me and if i got hungry then he already bought some cup noodles for me.

That's nice.

I changed my clothes not bothering to shower and combed my hair simply using my fingers before going out for a walk.

Although I wanted to just stay in the room sleeping...I needed fresh air and sunlight.

I also need to buy some sunscreen if I ever wanted to go for a walk. I sat down on one of the swing when suddenly a girl who seemed to be around my age sat next to me.

She had pretty red eyes and greyish hair. Her smiled seemed to have outshined the sun and even though her eyes were squinted they still looked big.

She wore a white blouse and red skirt. The red skirt had bow on it's side that's quite adorable. her hair was in a single braid except for her bangs and the locks of hair that framed her face perfectly.

Bad news?

she wore a blue bracelet.

I know I shouldn't be suspicious of her even though we just met but..I'm just being cautious.

"Hey! My name is Kiyoko Satou! what's yours?"

"No understand japanese"

Quick and concise.

"Then do you perhaps speak english?"

My eyes widened considerably in surprise and my mouth was hanging.


"I'll reintroduce myself. My name is Kiyoko Satou!"

I stayed silent for a bit before introducing myself as well.

"Please call me Chiasa Akane."

She grinned at me for along moment before changing the topic and starting to chat with me for a long long time.

It was nighttime again so I said my goodbyes first and left her sitting there-Oh, my stomach growled. I haven't ate anything at all today didn't I? I walked faster to Oda's house. Once I got there I unlocked the door and went in.

Oda was sitting down on a chair eating some cup noodles.

We stared at each other for a bit before I turned my head to place the keys on a nearby table.

When I turned around to face him again he threw me a bag containing more clothes for me including my um..underwear. I blushed a bit in embarrassment before giving my thanks which he simply waves off.

I hanged my head down while walking to the bathroom to shower and change.

2 hours later, I finished showering a while ago and am eating my 3rd cup noodle at the moment. Oda already went to sleep a while ago so now I'm eating the cup noodles he gave me to eat for the day. 

I went to bed right after eating not bothering to brush my teeth. I laid down on the futon staring at the ceiling. How nice it would be, If I could just live in a room alone with food and entertainment for the rest of my life.

But that's ridiculous no?

So is dying then getting isekaid then dying then waking up again.

Is this somehow a second chance at my isekai the system gave me because of pity?

is the system sentient?

Why do I even have this 'system'?

Why couldn't it be anyone els-



+3 intelligence points!

+5 dexterity points!


Name: Chiasa Akane

Age: 14 years old

Title: Foreigner

Status: Normal

Hp: 5.000

Charm: 30

Confidence: 19

Strength: 20

Vitality: 30

Intelligence: 35

Wisdom: 33

Dexterity: 20

Fame: 0

Luck: 40|

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