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chapter sixteen; All Out Manhut
" Okay, then he ate something bad-- people don't just turn into these things. "

  THE TRUCK WAS stuffed, but Vex was actually quite proud of her packing skills

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  THE TRUCK WAS stuffed, but Vex was actually quite proud of her packing skills. Dean attributed this to her Tetris obsession in elementary school, but Vex assured him it was the military that had taught her how to pack a vehicle full.

  Whatever the reason, they'd managed to fit the remainder of the supplies in one trip, and therefore, Vex was content.

  "Holy shit."

  Vex laughed as she exited the truck, joining T-Dog's side.

  "Told you he was a prepper," She sighed, looking over her shoulder to smile at a surprised Rick and Daryl, "Everything's communal 'cept this box and two bags in the front; a lot if it's Zep's clothes, my meds, etcetera."

  "O'course," Rick said, "Thank you two, for bringin' all this."

  "We're in this together now," Dean shrugged, "Figured it was about time."

  Rick nodded, though Vex hung back as T-Dog and Dean began unloading the truck.

  "Thought you two were gonna take the kid out?" She questioned.

  "Just about to," Rick nodded, "Had to take care of somethin' else first-- would you mind grabbin' Randall?"

  "No problem," Vex nodded.

  She walked out to the shed that held Randall, putting the code into the lock before pulling it off. Vex opened the door, her heart dropping as she did.


  Both Rick and Daryl were shocked as Vex Williams came sprinting back to them empty-handed.

  "Randall's gone."


  Rick was inspecting the bloodied cuffs that held Randall previously.

  "The door was locked when I got up here," Vex said, crossing her arms, "Either he locked it behind himself. . ."

  "Cuffs are still hooked," Rick announced, "He must've slipped 'em."

  "Is that possible?" Carol asked.

  "It is if you've got nothin' to lose," Andrea responded.

  "If you break your own thumbs, hands'll fit," Vex mumbled to Carol, "I don't get it being locked-- I mean who would lock a door behind themselves if they're escaping?"

  "Rick! Rick!"

  The group turned at Shane's voice, the man himself emerging from the woods, his face bloodied.

𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐒, Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now