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chapter forty-three; Jailbreak
So, Doctor Dixon, will you be supervising treatment now? "

chapter forty-three; Jailbreak" So, Doctor Dixon, will you be supervising treatment now? "

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  THE GROUP WAS making makeshift weapons out of whatever they could. Belts, watches, wood-- it didn't matter. If it was sharp or hard, it would hurt.

  Zeppelin was stuck to her mom's side as they worked to saw off wood, as Vex instructed Zeppelin how to wrap her knuckles to make a punch hit harder.

  Vex had hardly noticed the man approach her.

  "What branch?"

  Vex peered up from the makeshift weapon she was crafting out of splintered wood and her faded belt.

  Abraham stood over her, his own weapon in his hand, his expression unreadable.

  "Can't tell?" She questioned, breathing, "Cause the Army is written all over that mustache."

  And to Glenn's surprise, Abraham actually laughed.

  "Well, you sure as hell ain't Air Force."

  "Navy," Vex supplied with a small smile of her own, "12 years, too many deployments to count."

  "Ain't think Navy fought like this."

  "SEALs do," She breathed out a laugh, accepting his hand up.

  "Shit," He noted with raised brows, "Lemme guess— O3?"

  "O5," Vex blew out, still grinning, "O3 is insulting."

  "12 years you made O5?"

"Overachiever," She shrugged. "Y'all are goin' to D.C?"

  Abraham needed no more questions to explain the details of his mission; transporting Euegene to D.C. to save the world.

  Vex blew out a breath, shaking her head with a small smile.

  "Once we're outta here, you should come with. Could use someone like you."

  The woman raised a brow at him, thinking it over for a moment before her eyes caught onto something just behind him.

  Daryl Dixon and Dean Williams, the former rolling his eyes as the latter made a poor impression of Wolverine with his belt prongs between his fingers.

  "I made O5 in 12 years 'cause all I ever did was work," Vex said, meeting Abraham's gaze again, "My family's more important than a new mission. Even in a world like this."

  Vex could tell quite clearly that Abraham wanted to say something, but the simple movement of Zeppelin snuggling up to her mother's side seemed to stop him in his tracks.

  So all he did was nod and let them continue on as they were.

  "Alright," Daryl spoke up, "Got four of them pricks coming our way."

𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐒, Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now