Story: Cassarian - Cass Joins Villain Varian

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(A/Ns): Hello there! Now, as you've probably read the title, you can see this as being a Cassarian(/Variandra is the shipname I prefer) fanfic. In the Quotev version, this is a Varian x Reader where you are Cassandra. I decided to just make it be fully Cassandra for the Wattpad version. Some small notes, this story is one of my first personal TTSRTA fanfics, but I rewrote some bits, as well as replaced and added some details.

These are also from a series of mine I've called "Shortshots" like "Oneshots" that basically are oneshots but limited in length being only as long as what fits onto my screen for screenshot purposes, so the entire story is mushed together without any paragraph spaces or anything. I fixed everything for publication though, don't worry. I will have all of the parts right here in this chapter. Also, I never specify Cassandra's age in this fic, so you can image anything you want. I also don't know exactly how accurate I was with Cassandra's personality... I wasn't really trying at the beginning or anything but it isn't really an issue. Anyways, Enjoy! If you'd like to read the original Quotev version, my Quotev profile is linked on my own profile, even though the Quotev version is not as good as this one.)

Cassandra's Perspective

-+ Part One +-
This boy is crazy!
But hey, he's crazy for me, and I say my heart got me into this.
Ever since I saved him from dying the first time we met.

I could tell by how he called me "Milady", and how he was obviously trying to flirt with me from then on.

So what if he likes me? That's the problem. I like him back.
As much as I absolutely hate to admit it... And I hadn't even noticed until recently.

Anyway, none of this was ever even an issue until he went completely crazy. And no, not for me, for, shall I say, blood... Of course, if he saw any actual blood...


I didn't know what to do!
The snowstorm was raging. I couldn't, couldn't just leave him alone. He asked Rapunzel for help and to follow him to Old Corona, but I knew that she couldn't come with him. So instead, I convinced Varian to let me come with him, even though it was hard.

Varian was disappointed that Rapunzel couldn't come along, because she was the only one who could help his dad to be freed from the amber.

Nigel and the guards were pushing for answers and orders from Rapunzel, so me and Varian did end up having to only go together.

During the trip to Old Corona, Varian obviously was muttering something about the situation, but I couldn't tell if he was mad at Rapunzel or trying to convince himself everything's okay.

When we returned to Varian's house, we were greeted with an unhappy surprise...

Quirin, Varian's father, was trapped in a kind of amber, which appeared to be growing out of the black rocks...?

It was devastating to watch Varian cry, but after crying, he acted as if I wasn't there. I could feel something, a strong emotion, an anger coming from him.

He declared that he would make Rapunzel and, unnecessarily, all of Corona, pay.
But he wouldn't let me talk him out of it.

And he wouldn't let me just walk away, especially not to Rapunzel to warn her. He "knew" that I would "think straight and see 'his' side, in a matter of time."

So, he prevented me from leaving.

+- Part Two -+
I was then forced to pitch in on every plan. There were a few where we simply had to sneak around Corona for supplies without getting caught. But then came the time where he asked me to steal the Sundrop Flower...

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