Chapter 7

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~Tyler's POV~

I open my eyes to the sound of shuffling around my room. I rubbed my eyes then sat myself up and screamed throwing one of my plushies, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?"

Jamari was in my drawers, with only a towel around his waist. My eyes traveled from his low-hanging dreads all the way down the chiseled body, abs, and eventually the towel that is snug around his waist.

"I'm looking for clothes that fit me."

I pushed him aside, closing my drawers. "All my clothes aren't going to fit you. You're bigger than me."

He walked to my closet and pointed to a suitcase that was already opened. "These look big enough to fit me."

I looked at the clothes and then back at him, "That's the ex-boyfriend bag. But go ahead."

He leans down and picks through the suitcase. I hear a mumble come from him "How many boyfriends did you have..."

"Only two, I just liked wearing there clothes. You got a problem with that?"

"Nope." He says popping the p at the end.

I pretend to start coughing saying "Liar." in between each cough.

"What white boy?"

I shrug my shoulders, "Nothing. Just a little stuffy in here. It's hurting my throat."

He smirks at me, opening his mouth to say something but closes it. And walks into the bathroom with some clothes in his hands.

A few moments later, he came out of the bathroom. In a white dress shirt, black pants, that matched his black shoes.

He now had his hair up in a man bun. Showing off his thick eyebrows that complimented his thick pink lips.

He was very fine.

"Nice clothes."

My nostrils were suddenly hit and flared up when an intense but very sweet smell cut my thoughts short.

I took my hand and grabbed a handful of his collar and pulled it down to my face, taking a whiff. "It didn't have any cologne on it. What is that?"

By looking at the look in his eye. I looked crazy, so I quickly let go of his shirt. And cleared my throat.

"Rich Moonlight. I bought it." He said, smirking at me. His pearly teeth glanced down at me.

"Oh, interesting..." I said quietly.

"You like it Tyler?"

"It's has a nice attractive smell." I say blushing hard as ever. How can cologne and some random clothes make a person so attractive.

I never felt so hot in my life. He was dangerously close to me, running his hand through my hair. And just smirking at me in silence.

"Red boy, you're turning red."

I turn my face away from him, "Oh...r-really. I didn't notice, it happens."

He takes his hand and moves my face back to facing him. "It's cute. No need to be embarrassed."

Suddenly my door swings open, revealing my father on the other side. As Jamari removed his hand from my face, my father stared at me in cold-hearted silence.

"Care to introduce me to your friend here, Tyler?" He says in a stern tone. I pushed Jamari back as I straightened up myself and jump off the counter.

I looked at him clueless for a second then cleared my throat. "This is Jamari. I'm tutoring him."

I played with my hands as I waited for a response, it felt like eternity until he said something. Jamari on the other looked completely chill and calm about the whole situation.

The Sheriff narrowed his eyes "Uh huh..." he walked up to Jamari with his hand out. Jamari puts his hand out and shakes with his.

"Nice to meet you, Jamari. Can't wait to know you more so Tyler can invite you all the time. Instead of sneaking you in." He says with a grin.

"It's so good to meet you too. I've heard so much about you Mr. Park. You raised Tyler good and well."

Lies. All I'm hearing is lies. I know my dad is boiling underneath that niceness, just waiting to explode. And why is Jamari talking in that weird accent?

"Well. I think Jamari should get going. All that tutoring tires a person out sometimes. Plus it's getting kinda late anyway. Right Jamari?"

I look at him with wide eyes to signal to him. He just looks at me back, unsure what I'm saying. I cleared my throat and his eyes lightened up this time.

"Right, I do. Mr.Park, I'm sorry I have to leave like this. I just met you but he's right. I have a curfew and I don't want to break it."

He looked at Jamari with an impressed look. "That's good. Your parents inspire me, maybe I should do the same for Tyler."

My dad moved out the doorway. "It was nice meeting you. But before you go, may I invite you to dinner tomorrow night."

His pearly white teeth showed as he smiled. "I would like that. Thank you and see you later."

He walked past my father, and as we heard the door close behind him.

My father turned to me, "Something off about him."

"What do you mean?" I say acting clueless.

His hands rest on both sides of his waist, "I don't know. He's an interesting one. But you seem to like him alot, since you decided to invite him without telling me anything."

"Dad...I was but uhh...I fell asleep.." I immediately regretted what I said, my excuse doesn't make it any better.

"You fell asleep while a stranger was in our house? He nods his head and hummed. "Talk about responsibility, that's even worse Tyler."

He looks at me and rubs his forehead, closing his eyes in both fatigue and exasperation. He doesn't say a word and walks out of my room towards his own.

His voice echoed into the hall as well as the sound of the ruffling of his uniform. He's talking to himself again.

"Somebody stole some jewelry earlier, got me searching for clues to find bullshit. Then I come home to my son entertaining a stranger. Finally, Sheila says we should be steady but we-"

I closed my door not wanting to hear any more of my father's rambling. As I picked up his clothes from the bathroom something shiny fell out of his pocket.

I leaned down to pick up it. A diamond necklace that sparkled bright within the bathroom light.

My mouth slowly made the shape of an O as realization hit. That fuckin thief.

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