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ASUNA MADE HER WAY through the forest, her steps light as a feather and as silent as a ninja's

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ASUNA MADE HER WAY through the forest, her steps light as a feather and as silent as a ninja's. The night was cool and the forest was still, there was no movement whatsoever. She, however, stalked through the night, following the scent of blood that was scattered across the leaves and underbrush. This demon was careless, stupid, and probably even conceited.

"How could father have let such disgraces live," she uttered frustratedly. She had been itching to kill something, but she had forced herself to entertain herself in other ways. It seemed her bloodlust was boiling over and she needed a small escape. Now was the moment she was waiting for.

Eventually, she came across a clearing. There were several buildings, each very large and — from what she could tell — incredibly wealthy. Each building was several stories high, the walkways were paved and shiny, and there were several streams of fresh running water.

"A place like this exists outside the Entertainment District?" she hummed, "In a forest, no less."

Her interest had been peaked as she continued to inspect the little community. Watching from the shadows, the princess saw several women walking out of a building, laughing to themselves.

"Can you believe she's giving another gold bar just for bringing her a child?"

"Well that child was going to die anyway."

"We have plenty more children to spare!"

As the women left, Asuna crept into the building they had just left from. As she opened the shaft, she found the room to be incredibly normal. However, as her heels clicked against the hardwood, she noticed that one of the planks was unevenly placed, resulting in the echo sounding hollow.

She removed the plank with her heel, placing it against the door as a sort of lock. What it revealed was a staircase; a long, dark, and seemingly damp staircase. As much as the Princess wanted to kill the demon who got in her way, she found this whole situation all the more amusing. Her bloodlust could wait a few more moments, but her curiosity certainly couldn't.

With a curious expression, Asuna walked down the stairs, her heels clicking against the stone steps. What she came across did not surprise her in the least. The only reason for a basement here was either to store goods or to imprison people. This was the latter.

Before her was a jail cell. Not the dirty run-down type she was expecting. It was actually like a bedroom, with a bed that had nice silks, a flower that was not yet wilted, and lights that weren't bad. As she looked around the cell, which was quite large, she noticed a human huddled near the window which was placed incredibly high.

The human had moved the bed and stacked several chairs to reach it. As she took a closer look, she could see that the human had black hair about shoulder level and their eyes were heterochromia. What interested her the most was the scarring along the sides of the human's face.

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