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You and Dustin wait in the main room while Mike and El are in the bathroom. "I mean I get she saved him, but was he serious about her joining the party?" -You. "Dude, it's okay. Even if she does join the party, that doesn't mean he'll stop liking you." -Dustin. "I'm just saying. We met her like less than a month ago." -You. You both hear something coming from the supercom. It's Lucas, yelling. "Go get Mike. Go get Mike!" -Dustin. You run to the bathroom and slam the door open to see Mike and El less than inches apart, about to kiss. You look at Mike, upset but then Dustin comes too. "Guys! It's Lucas, I think he's in trouble."-Dustin. You all go to the main part of the basement and Dustin grabs the supercom and you can here quiet yelling. "Do you remember how he said he was looking for the gate?" -Dustin. "Yeah" -Mike. "What if he found it?" -Dustin. Mike grabs the supercom to try and listen. "What's he saying?" -Mike. "We don't know, he's way out of range" -You. He starts talking to Lucas. "Lucas if you can hear us, slow down. We can't understand you." -Mike. All you hear back is gibberish. "'Mad hen'? Do you know what that means? Like a code name or something?" -Dustin. "Bad men. Bad men! Stay here" -Mike. 

You, Mike, and Dustin run up the stairs. He runs to the window. "what's that guy doing?" -Mike, he points to the guy in the plumbing truck. "You don't think..." -Dustin. Mike runs over to his mom. You and Dustin see a bunch more trucks drive up. You both run to Mike who's talking to his mom. "Mike!" -Dustin. "One second!" -Mike. "Mike! We need to leave... Right now." -Dustin. You and Dustin run to the basement. You guys get El and get on your bikes. You start running and when you get to his front yard, you see a bunch of men. You get on your bikes and pause for a second. "go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go!" -Dustin. 

You all start biking as fast as you can away from the trucks. "Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god." -Dustin. "Dustin! Dustin, do you copy?" -Lucas, over the supercom. "Yeah, Lucas, we're here. They're on us!" -Dustin says over the walkie talkie. "Where are you?" -Lucas. "Cornwallis" -Dustin. "Meet me at Elm and Cherry!" -Lucas. "Copy. Elm and Cherry!" -Dustin. "Okay." -Mike. You guys go as fast as you can to get to Lucas but then the vans catch up. "Sh**!" -Dustin. "Come on, this way!" -Mike. You guys cut through someone's backyard. To get there faster. Finally, you turn the corner and see Lucas. "Lucas!" -Mike. "Where are they?" -Lucas. "I don't know." -You. "I think we lost them." -Dustin. The vans come out from around the corner. "Go. Go, go, go, go!" -Mike. "Sh**! Sh**! Sh**! Sh**! Sh**!" -Dustin. You all speed as fast as you can down the street but another van turns the corner in front of you guys and Dustin screams. The van is about to hit you when it flips into the air and lands behind you, in front of the other van. You all look at eachother shocked but keep going fast. You guys end up at the junkyard with buses and old cars. 

"Holy... Holy sh**. Did... Did you see what she did to that van?" -Dustin. "No, Dustin, we missed it" -Mike. "I mean that was.." -Dustin. "Awesome. It was awesome." -Lucas. El looks over at him. Lucas walks over to her and kneels down. "Everything I said about you being a traitor and stuff... I was wrong. I'm sorry." -Lucas. He puts his hand on her back. "Friends. Friends don't lie. I'm sorry, too." -El. "Me too." -Mike. He sticks his hand out to shake Lucas' hand. Lucas shakes. "Holy f**k" -You. You pull both of them into a hug. All of you group up together. Lucas sets up a square in the dirt. "This is Randolph road, right here. The fence starts here, and goes all the way around. And this is the lab right here. The gate's gotta be in there somewhere.It's gotta be." -Lucas says signaling and pointing at stuff. "Well, who owns Hawkins lab?" -Dustin. "The sign says 'Department of energy'". -Lucas. "Department of energy? What do you think that means?" -Dustin. "It means government. Military." -Mike. "Then why does it say energy?" -Dustin. "Just trust me, alright? My dad told me. It's military. -Mike. " Mike's right. There's soldiers out front." -Lucas. "Do they make like light bulbs or something?" -Dustin. "No. Weapons. To fight the Russians and commies, and stuff." -You. "Weapons." -Lucas. "Oh, Jesus, this is bad." -Dustin. "Really bad. The place is like a fortress. Well what do we do?" -Dustin. "I don't know. We can't go home. We're fugitives now." -Mike. "Guys? Do you hear that?" -Dustin. "Helicopters." -You.

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