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You get up from your bed and check the time. You realize you're about to be late so you just put on some T-shirt that Mike left at your house and a pair of jeans. You put on your shoes as fast as you can and you get to school right as you see your friends walking in. You quickly park your bike and follow after them. Surprisingly, they're the only ones in the school who are wearing costumes. "When do people make these decisions?" -Mike. "Everyone dressed up last year" -Will. "It's a conspiracy, I'm telling you" -Dustin. "Just be cool" -Lucas. "As cool as you guys can be wearing proton packs" -You. "Oh yeah, why aren't you dressed up?" -Mike. "Because I couldn't get my costume on time, plus Steve said I would look stupid" -You. "At least you would look stupid with me" -Mike. "I always do, Michael" -You. "Okay, are you guys done?" -Dustin. 

Mike walks to the bathroom. You, Dustin, and Lucas go to your lockers and see Max riding down the hallway. "We gonna do this?" -Dustin. "Not right now, we look like morons" -Lucas. "Maybe she likes Ghostbusters" -Dustin. "Of course she likes Ghostbusters but that's not the point. The point is, we're dressed up and she's not." -Lucas. "I didn't bring regular clothes, did you?" -Dustin. "No." -Lucas. "Then we have no choice. We gotta do this now or never." -Dustin. "Right." -Lucas. "Let's engage" -Dustin. Max shuts her locker and walks away. "We could ask her after class?" -You. "Yup." -Lucas. "Okay." -Dustin. 

After your classes, you, Dustin, and Lucas approach Max at her locker. "Hey Max. This is Dustin and Lucas." -You. "Yeah, I know. The stalkers." -Max. "That's perfect, I'm gonna go find Mike. They can continue this lovely conversation" -You. You leave the other boys alone with Max and walk to Mike's locker. "Hey, Mike" -You. "Oh, hi Lee" -Mike. "Hope you don't mind, I'm wearing your shirt. I couldn't find one" -You. "Yeah, that's cool" -Mike. "Cool" -You. After school, Will gets picked up and the rest of you ride down this long road, talking.

 "Really, everyone dressed up last year." -Dustin. Dustin looks behind you guys. "Hey, you guys.." -Dustin. You all turn around and see a truck speeding straight at you. You all start screaming and biking faster. You ride into the dirt on the side of the road and crash your bike as the truck swerves to the side. Mike helps you up and you all look at who's in the car. "Mad Max" -Lucas. You all get back on your bikes and go on your way. You get to your house and at the last minute, you just put on some random mask with Frankenstein's monster on it. You walk to Mike's house and meet up with your other friends there. You walk down his driveway when you see Will and Jonathan in the car pulling up. You wave at him and smile. "Egon!" -Lucas. "Yeah! You ready for tonight, man?" -Will. You start trick or treating and it's super fun. "If I get another 3 musketeers, I'm gonna kill myself.," -Lucas. "What's wrong with 3 musketeers?" -Dustin. " 'what's wrong with 3 musketeers?' " -Lucas. "No one likes 3 musketeers." -Mike. "Yeah, it's just nougat." -Will. "Woah 'just nougat'? It is top three for me." -Dustin. "Top three?" -Mike. "Top three!" -Dustin. "You're actually insane" -You. "Seriously, I can just eat a whole bowl of nougat. Straight up" -Dustin. 

Suddenly, someone wearing a mask jumps in front of you guys holding a knife. All of you yell and Lucas screams high pitched. It turns out to be Max and she takes off the mask while laughing. "Holy sh**! You should have seen the look on your faces. And you? Who screams like that? You sound like a little girl." -Max. She starts walking away but turns back around. "Hey, you guys coming or not? Oh, I heard we should hit up Loch Nora. That's where the rich people live, right?" -Max. You, Dustin, and Lucas look at eachother and smile and run to catch up with her. You put your arm around her and start pointing at different houses and telling her where you should go. You all go to Loch Nora and start trick or treating there. 

"Another full-size. Like, seriously, rich people are such suckers. Wait you're not rich, right?" -Dustin. "No, I live up Old Cherry Road." -Max. "Oh" -Dustin. "No, it's fine. The street's good for skating" -Max. "Mm Yeah, totally tubular. What? Did I say that right? Or, is it like, tubular" -Dustin. "It's like, Totally tubular" -Lucas says imitating a surfer. "You guys sound like dorks." -You. "Totally Tubular!" -Dustin. "What a gnarly wave, dude" -Lucas. "Totally brodacious, bro!" -Dustin. "Stop. My ears are hurting" -Max says laughing. You both continue laughing as they keep talking like that. You look around and didn't see Will but then see Mike running around to a corner with him sitting down behind a brick wall. 

"Holy sh**!" -Dustin. "Is he ok?" -Lucas. "I don't know. I'm gonna get you home, okay? I'm gonna get you home." -Mike. Dustin tries to help Mike get Will up but Mike pushes him away. "Keep trick or treating. I'm bored anyway." -Mike. You look at your friends and say bye to them and catch up with Mike. "Mike! Mike, wait up!" -You. "Just go back with Max or whatever" -Mike. "Is that what this is about? We're not talking about this right now, we're taking Will to your house." -You. He doesn't argue back because he didn't want to fight in front of Will. 

It was like a married couple arguing but not wanting to fight in front of the kid. You guys walk back to Mike's house and go to his basement and pour out your candy. "It's like... Like I'm stuck." -Will. "Like, like, stuck in the upside down?" -Mike. "No. You know on a View-Master, when it gets, like..." -Will. "Caught between two slides?" -Mike. "Yeah. Like that. Like one side's our world, and the other... The other slide is the upside down. And... And there was this noise coming from everyone. And then I saw something." -Will. "The demogorgon?" -You. "No. It was like this huge shadow in the sky. Only, it was alive. And it was coming for me." -Will. "Is this all real?" -You. "Or is it like the doctors say, is it all in your head?" -Mike. "I don't know. Just... Just please don't tell the others. They wouldn't understand." -Will. "Eleven would." -Mike.

 You look up at Mike, upset, but you don't wanna argue right now. "She would?" -Will. "Yeah. She always did. Sometimes I feel like I still see her. Like she's still around, but she never is. I don't know, sometimes I feel like I'm going crazy" -Mike. You thought you would stop feeling that sting of jealousy but it still comes back everytime he talks about her. This time it hurt, it feels like he settled for you because he lost her. "Me too." -Will. "Hey, well, if we're all going crazy, we'll go crazy together, right?" -you ask specifically to only Will. "yeah, crazy together" -Will. After Jonathan picks up Will, you go back in the basement with Mike and sit down.

 "Listen, I'm sorry about bringing up Eleven I really like you-" -Mike. "Mike, I don't know how many times we have to have this conversation. You called her pretty then you apologize, you only pay attention to her then you apologize, and you kiss her then apologize. I don't know how long I can keep believing you when you tell me you like me, when you clearly still like El" -You. "Please. You have to believe me. I've liked you for years and I'll never stop, Lee. You're the best thing that's happened to me. Not El. Lee. I love you." -Mike. He pulls you into a hug and you hug him back, it feels like it's been too long. "I love you too. Mike" -You. You fall asleep laying on the couch with him, in his arms.


A/N: Am I paranoid or is this story ass? Like someone please let me know if I suck at this 🙏🙏

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