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It starts with you looking in your bottom drawer for no money. You end up finding 3 dollars and 25 cents. You figure that's enough to go to the arcade with and you hear Dustin over your supercom asking Lucas how much he got. "Take your puny haul and multiple if by five." -Lucas. "How?" -Dustin. "While you were scrounging around like a homeless bum, I mowed old man Humphrey's lawn." -Lucas. "Old Man Humphreys got that kinda cash?" -Dustin. "I guess. " -Lucas. "Hey I got $3.25 guys." -You. "Great, now just call Mike already" -Lucas. "You call Mike" -Dustin. "I have to take a shower from doing real work, like a man. Over and out." -Lucas. "I'll call Mike then, you call Will" -You.

 "Mike, do you copy? Mike, do you copy?" -You. "Yeah. Yeah, I copy." -Mike. "What're you doing on this channel?" -You. "Nothing." -Mike. "Well Lucas, Dustin, and I have around ten bucks total. What's your haul?" -You. "Sh**! I don't know yet." -Mike. "What do you mean you don't know yet?" -You. "Just hold on. Over and out." -Mike. You start to ride to the arcade and see Dustin, Lucas and Mike in front of you. You catch up with them and get to the arcade. You guys park your bikes in the front and see Will in the car with his mom. "Hey!" -Lucas. Will runs up to the entrance and you all immediately go to one game. 

"To slay the dragon, use the magic sword." -Video game. "Oh jesus, I'm in uncharted territory here guys." -Dustin. While he plays the game, you all yell at him on what to do. Eventually, the dragon burns him alive. "No! No! No! I hate this overpriced bull sh**! Son of a b***h! Piece of sh**!" -Dustin. "You're just not nimble enough. You'll get there, one day. Until then, Princess Daphne is still mine." -Lucas. "Whatever, I'm still top on Centipede and Dig Dug." -Dustin. "You sure about that?" -Keith the worker. "Sure about what?" -Dustin. Keith just eats another chip and Dustin runs over to Dig Dug. "You're kidding me. No, no, no." -Dustin. When you get there, you see a new high score. "No, no!" -Dustin. "751,300 points-" -Will. "It's impossible." -Mike. "who's mad max?" -Dustin asks Keith. "Better than you." -Keith. "Is it you?" Mike. "Pff you know I despise Dig Dug." -Keith. "But then who is it?" -You. "Yeah, spill it, Keith." -Dustin. "You want information, I'm gonna need something in return." -Keith. He looks at Mike along with all your friends. "No, no, no, no way! You're not getting a date with her." -Mike. "Mike, come on, just get him the date." -Lucas. "I'm not prostituting my sister!" -Mike. "But it's for a good cause" -Lucas. "No, don't get him the date. Know what? He's gonna spread his nasty-a** rash to your whole family." -Dustin. "Acne isn't a rash and it isn't contagious, you prepubescent wastoid." -Keith. 

Keith and Dustin keep arguing while you're standing there with Mike, waiting for them to be over. You see that Will went outside and so did Mike. Mike walks outside to check on him and you follow him. "Will! Are you okay?" -Mike. "Yeah I just... I needed some air." -Will. "Come on, it's your turn on Dig Dug" -You. You take him inside with your arm over him. "Let's take that top score back, huh?" -Mike. You all keep playing for about an hour then you have to go home. You get home and grab something small to eat. While in your room, you eventually fall asleep. 

You wake up still tired but you get ready for school. Steve already left to go drive Nancy to school so you bike to school. You meet up with your friends and put up your bikes. You all go to your class with Mr Clark. "Meet the human brain. I know. I know, it doesn't look like much. A little gross even, right? But consider this. There are a hundred billion cells in this miracle of evolution. All working as one. No, I did not misspeak. I did not stutter. A hundred billion." -Mr Clark. The door opens and the principal walks in with some girl with red hair. "Ah, this must be our new student." -Mr Clark. "indeed it is, all yours." -Principal. She starts to walk past him to sit down but he stops her. "All right, hold up there. You don't get away that easy. Come on up, don't be shy. Dustin, drum roll" -Mr Clark. Dustin starts imitating a drum roll on his desk beside you. 

"Class, please welcome, all the way from sunny California, the latest passenger to join us on our curiosity voyage, Maxine." -Mr Clark. "It's Max." -Max. "Sorry?" -Mr Clark. "Nobody calls me Maxine. It's Max." -Max. Lucas whispers, "mad max". "Well, all aboard, Max." -Mr Clark. She sits in the back corner and your whole group turns to look at her. After class, you guys go to recess and hide behind a fence, watching Max on her skateboard. "there's no way that's Mad Max." -Mike. "Yeah, girls don't play video games" -Lucas "and even if they did, you can't get 750,000 points." -Mike. "Well she looks awesome, I'm gonna talk to her." -You. "You haven't even spoken a word to her, how do you know she's awesome?" -Mike. "I just do" -you says smiling at him but he's frowning. You walk away from them and towards Max. "So, you're Max, right? We have science together" -You. "Yeah and you're one of the stalkers, right?" -Max. "What?" -You. she points over at your friends. "Oh yeah we were just trying to find out more stuff about the new kid. It's really cool that you skate though." -You. "Thanks, do you?" -Max. "No, I'd fall on my face and die if I tried that." -You say smiling. "Come on, just give it a try" -Max. "fine, but I need help. I've never touched a skateboard in my life" -You. "Okay, just first stand on it" -Max. She holds your arm for balance as you step on her skateboard. When you try to push forward, the skateboard doesn't move but you fall toward the ground. "Jesus, I guess I do suck" -You say from the ground. She helps you up, "you just need practice. I have to go but tell your friends to dial it down with the stalking" -Max. "Okay, bye Max!" -You. "Bye, kid from science!" -Max says as she walks away and all your friends walk to you. "What'd she say?" -Dustin. "Uhm well she said to stop stalking her and that I really need to practice skate boarding" -You. "You didn't ask if she's Mad Max?" -Lucas. "I got distracted" -You. "What? Playing on the new girl's skateboard?" -Mike. "kinda, yeah. But she told you guys to stop spying on her" -You. "Well, sh**." -Dustin. 

"William Byers. Your mother's here." -Principal. "bye Will" -Lucas. "Bye, guys" -Will. He walks away and into the school building. "You guys think he's okay?" -Dustin. "He's always weird when he has to go in." -Lucas. "I don't know. He's quiet today." -Mike. "He's always quiet" -Lucas. "I'm sure he's okay" -You. After school, you go with Lucas and Dustin to the arcade to look for Max. "Still no sign?" -Dustin. "Jacksh**" -Lucas. "Oh! Da**it. My mom's gonna murder me" -Dustin. " So go home. We'll radio you if we see her." -Lucas. "Oh, yeah, nice try. You just want me out of here so you can make your move." -Dustin. "Oh 'cause you're such a threat" -Lucas. "That's right. She will not be able to resist these pearls" -Dustin. He does this weird gargling or growling sound with his mouth and you look at him weird. "10 'O clock. 10 'O clock." -Dustin. "Huh?" -You. You look and we Max angrily getting out of a car. "They're arguing. They're arguing." -Lucas. "Oh my god, I see that. I don't even know why you need those. God, you're so stupid." -Dustin. You keep watching her as the car speeds away and she flips off the driver. You guys walk in and see her playing Dig Dug, so you hide behind a wall. 

"She's incredible." -Lucas. "She's..." -Dustin. All three of you agree "Mad Max.". "I'm gonna go say hi." -You. You leave before they can say anything. "Hey, Max. You're pretty good at Dig Dug" -You. "Yeah, I guess so" -Max. You see her high score that reads Mad Max. "Well I think it's cool because I've never seen any girls play which they totally should because they'd be way better than me" -You. "Everyone could be way better than you" -Max. "Wow, was that a *Dig* at me? Get it? Dig?" -You. "You're A dork" -Max. She calls you that but she laughs. "It was a good joke though. You have to admit it" -You. "Okay, fine. I admit your extremely corny joke was funny." -Max "Thank you. You still have to teach me how to ride a skateboard" -You. "I have to teach you?" -Max. "Yeah I've been dying to be able to skate just pleaseee. Please. Please. Please. Please. Ple-" -You. "Okay, during breaks at school I'll teach you." -Max. "Thank you, Max." -You. "Your welcome, kid from science." -Max. "It's Lee, my name. It's Lee" -You. "See you tomorrow, Lee." -Max. "Okay, you too. Bye, Max!" -You. You walk back over to your friends like nothing ever happened. 

"So is she Mad Max, definitely?" -Lucas. "Yeah she got a new high score too." -You. After talking for a bit, you all start to bike out while Dustin radios Mike. "Mike. Mike" -Dustin. "Hello, is that you?" -Mike. "Yeah it's me, Dustin. What are doing on this channel? We've been trying to reach you all day. We were right, Max is Mad Max." -Dustin. "Yeah, I'm busy." -Mike. His voice goes silent. "What do we do now?" -Lucas. "We stick to the plan." -Dustin. "Mike wouldn't like it" -You. "Last time I checked, our party is not a dictatorship. It's a democracy" -Dustin. "What if Max says no?" -Lucas. "How can Max say no to these?" -Dustin. Dustin does the weird sound with his mouth again. "I told you to stop that" -Lucas. "I'll see you tomorrow" -Dustin. "Later." -Lucas. "Seeya Dustin." -You. As he rides away, you keep talking to Lucas. "Hey, I can't get my Ghostbusters costume. It'll be so weird if I'm the only one dressed up, sorry." -You. "No, I'm sure it's okay" -Lucas. "okay, I'll see you, Lucas!" -You. "Bye!" -Lucas. You ride to your house and put your bike in the garage. Once you get inside, you don't see Steve but remember he's having dinner with Barb's family. You go to your room and lay down for a bit. You get comfortable and finally fall asleep.

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