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E P I S O D E  3 9 [√]p a g e  t h i r t y - n i n e  :  R Y O H E I  !

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E P I S O D E  3 9 [√]
p a g e  t h i r t y - n i n e  :  R Y O H E I  !

"go to your group mates!" the math professor says, and the students scrambles about ; forming their little circles.

takemichi stares at them unsurely and slowly, he gives a secretive glance towards mitsuya and chifuyu — only to look away when he saw the two already looking over his direction. he sighs defeatedly. i can't ignore them completely. unless i ask to switch groups. but that would be inconveniencing the teacher! she already gave the task last week!

takemichi blows sharply. let's just work quietly—

"so how should we start?" the blond jolts at the voice. there were a series of screeching noises like metal dragging along the ground and when takemichi looked up, mitsuya and chifuyu had settled on the chairs they moved close to his desk, "do you guys have any ideas?" mitsuya asks, voice careful like he's trying not to cross any line.

"i honestly forgot that we had this project." chifuyu blankly states.

takemichi couldn't agree more but he keeps quiet. not long, he felt the duo's eyes boring hole into his head and takemichi couldn't just blatantly ignore them so he decided to look up, "uhm conic section model, was it? miss meiri said earlier that w- we should work on the draft first so that we wouldn't have the same design as the others .." he tried not to stutter and he almost successfully did — because he keeps seeing the two exchanging glances, which made him anxious.

takemichi lowers his gaze to his phone bashfully, "so .. yeah. that's it. we can also search for designs— you guys can pick!" he hastily taps on his phone and placed it in front of the two even though the results haven't showed up yet, due to that, he waited there awkwardly while the two blankly stared at the loading screen.

the designs pops up ; takemichi had initially considered the thought of mitsuya being the best among them when it comes to designs and he wasn't wrong when he saw the guy seriously swiping across the phone the screen. chifuyu was peering over his shoulder, and takemichi was waiting there fiddly.

"what about you? you have something in mind?" takemichi tenses up when mitsuya had looked at him while sliding his phone back to him, "these are great. i can't pick."

"t—then!" takemichi reacts quickly, feeling the pressure when he took his phone back, "we should do the easiest one! then we can just add designs to make it look creative." the blond states, swiping across his phone and tapping on the first image that he think is the easiest to make, "then, uh should we go with this..?"

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