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                                                                                        Y/N's pov

After parting ways with my brother and Kenma, I walked to the girl's volleyball room dropping off my bag and shoes for tryouts later. Later making my way to the boy's room so that Kenma and I could go to the cafeteria. Making our way between the options for breakfast, normally id bring breakfast from home to share with Kenma. however seeing as I woke up later than normal, and my onigiri was taken by the handsome stranger the cafeteria would have to do.

After picking our food we make our way to a table to eat, until we were interrupted by my brother and his annoying girlfriend Liz making their way over to us. and without fail she has to say something. " ah y/n don't you think you should have a lighter breakfast?" " no Liz I don't because I need to keep my body and brain fed to stay on top of my game," I say giving her a smile that seems sweet but any girl could tell that I'm mocking her.

If I was meaner I would have said the rest of what was on my mind ' No Liz I have a bigger breakfast cuz it helps keep my grades up something you wouldn't know seeing as your highest grade was 54 last year.' however I was raised better then that which is something Liz can't say. Kenma and I chose to leave as soon as we finish eating so we don't have to talk and be civil with Liz a second longer.


I take my time finishing my last assignment but it doesn't take me long seeing as it was all relatively basic and a 1st grader could do it. taking my paper up to my teacher I ask if it would be possible to leave early for tryouts. With the permission of my teacher, I make my way to the club room. Tryouts at Nekoma arent like your basic tryouts, because the team was already decided in the summer but it's more to give those who didn't go to the summer camps a shot to tryouts.

And with my friend from grade school being captain this year she made sure to tell me when summer tryouts were. So my spot on the team was already predetermined and with the help of last year's wing spiker, I was able to secure that position. As I walk to the gym I see some of the third years setting up the net, so I hurry and put my stuff down so I can help them.  get to see my pepper partner, Sarah, Sarah has always been extra nice and welcoming, partly because she's co-captain but also because that's just her personality. 

but her personality isn't the only beautiful thing about Sarah, she is as close as you can get to model looks as could be, with her beautiful curly hair that is deep brown hair greatly compliments her vitiligo, and her chocolate brown eyes. She's the same height as me with a body that anyone would kill for, and when I first met Sarah she introduce herself as the cheetah.

I had always wondered why, and that was until I saw Sarah play, she ran for a ball that one would say is hopeless to go for, she got it up and later got back to the front to block when the other team returned the ball. she was not only beautiful and an amazing volleyball player she was also the smartest girl her brain rivaling that of my brother. 

after we finish setting up the net, we wait to see if anyone new is going to come to tryouts, after about 5 minutes we start practice. after our warm-up and we practice receiving, hitting, blocking, and running new plays we do a fun game of queen of the court.

we break up into teams of 3 and play till there's one team standing. my team takes the lead and my setter sets up the perfect ball for me to hit. it's at the perfect height and just far from the net I take my approach and jump as height as I can push my body to. swinging my arms and striking the ball where I see an opening, leading to a perfect cross-shot that leaves a loud almost gunshot sound. when i touch down on the floor my hand is red and burning from the impact. and it feels amazing. 

time skip

after practice I head over to the boy's gym where the boys should be wrapping up practice, I see Ken grabbing his bag and Tets putting his jacket on we make our way to the car to head home. my brother wants to head to the store by the house before going home to get some snacks. 

once there I go to get something to drink and get an onigiri, and that's when I see the same boy but this time he was getting stuff to make what looks like dinner I was about to leave to pay when I bump into someone who looks exactly like him minus the hair this ones hair is yellow and looks as if he skipped the toner part. 

"I am so sorry about that" "Hey it's no problem" "No really I should have been looking where I was going." as I was apologizing the silver-haired one comes over. "  sumu what did you do now," he says in a tired voice" nothing samu why do you always think it's my fault" he rolled his eyes then looks at my " hey you're the girl from this morning, hey sorry bout taking the last one" " no it's okay you had touched it first" " no that was a dick move but let me make it up to you let me pay for your stuff" " no you do not have to" " well I don't have to but I want to" 

to avoid an argument I allow him to pay "Hey what's your name anyway" "Oh it's Y/n and what's your name" "Osamu" "It's nice to meet you" "You as well." as I was gonna say something else my brother starts honking. " well I should go before my brother gets more impatient" 

we say goodbye and I go my way. in the car, I look out my window ' Huh so your name is Osamu' 


hello, my reader I hope you enjoy this new chapter I'm trying to make them longer than the older ones. and I hope you like our new character Sarah she's a doll and we are going to love her.

OUT OF BOUNDS (Osamu Miya x chubby tall reader)Where stories live. Discover now