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Osamu was all i could think of as we drove home. That and how chivalrous he was about the whole morning ordeal. it brought this sense of kindness to him, which was out of the odrinary for me in view of the fact that most guys dont really treat me that way; for the reason that i am taller or the same height as them which tends to bring down their ego. which was exactly why i hung out with kenma so much he never made me fell bad for my height he always made me feel like a girl; which is always welcoming.

Yet today with osamu i didnt feel like he felt intimidated by my height or my weight which poses its own ordeal. which was always so strange to me because i wasnt super big but i always had more curves then most girls; i always had more meat on my bones as mom would tell me. Yet mom never made me feel bad about it because she was also on the bigger side; however she carries most of her weight in her butt and boobs, and as kenma once told me that my mom has the perfect hour glass. which i later told him to stop looking at her butt.

mom always said that my body however was more of a pear shape, my boobs wheren't small too say but my butt was much bigger then my top half. which i think is why liz was always so jealous of me because i had the more desireable body in her eyes. however when i got my first boyfriend it always felt like he was shaming me for being too tall and too big as he so gracile put it. 

but i didnt feel that way at all with osamu he was only taller by a little but he made me feel like a lady and that is all i have ever wanted. i just wanted someone, anyone really to make me feel like a lady and not like a hippo as liz likes to put it. 

time skip

when we walked in i could smell mom cooking up a storm in the kitchen, shes always been a great cook i think its because she see the recipes as science projects. she always said one miss step and the whole dish would be runied. 

" hey babies how was school today" she felt us walk into the kitchen its like she had spidy senses or something "it was good mom how was work" tetsuro spoke first "good bebe. we got to mess around with this new medication we tested it on some of the samples of liver cancer to see how it would react." my brother always loved hearing mom talk about work because she got paid to do science projects. " what bout you my baby how was your first day of school"

mom attention was now on me as she stired the pot of food. " it was good all my teachers i super cool and i told them about me being in volleyball and they said if i ever needed an extension on an assiment that i could just email them." " oh thats wonderful hun, and howd tryouts go for you two" "they where great mom execept no one really triedout but its okay cause we already have the team set." i said to mom as i sat down at the table to do some of the homework that was assigned today.

"tryouts went well mom we got a few new guys and they seem promising." " thats amazing hun"

we let mom finish up the cooking and set the table for dinner and then went to the living room to watch a movie and i got to cuddle with mom while she played with my hair, and scratch tets back. 

small time skip

after getting out of the shower i was going to apply lotion on my body when i got a notification from instagram. and to my suprise it was from osamu, i was curiuos on how he found my insta but i welcomed the text.


'howd you find me creep


'it wasnt that hard i just looked for someone who went to nekoma 


'howd you know i go there stalker 😀


'you where wearing a nekoma jacket dork


'oh 😅 

'anyway whyd you want to text me 


' because i wanted to make it up to you for this morning


'you did you payed for my snacks 


'so you dont want me to make you homemade onigiri okay then




'say please and ill make you some


'please 🙏


'okay ill send you my address 

'see you this weekend


'wait what

he left me on read after the last message. but i couldn't lie i was pretty excited for the weekend to roll around.


hi babies enjoy this chapter it took me a while to type it out cause i didnt know what to write about. and since i hate having to go over and make sure theres capitalization im just gonna start writing in only lowercase

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2023 ⏰

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