You Can Run But You Can't Hide

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Let's play a game of hide and seek.

A secret game for you and me.

You want to run?

I'll come and seek.

In the end you'll always come with me.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───


Kim exhaled deeply as he leaned against the railing of his balcony. From this altitude, he could see the entire city.

An intricate maze crafted of concrete and glass that concealed the dark secrets of his past within every nook and cranny.


The boy's name rolled from his tongue easily.

"Where are you hiding?"

After the clouds of smoke and gunfire cleared, Porchay was nowhere to be found. It was only later discovered that the boy had left a letter detailing his departure.


By the time you find this letter, I'll be gone. Please don't blame yourself for my absence. This is not your fault. You know better than anyone how impossible it is to be alone under the roof of the  Theerapanyakul's. There will always be eyes lurking in the shadows. And no matter how badly I want to stay glued to your side, I can't live my life in a box. The House of Theerapanyakun is not my are, Porsche. I know you want to protect me but I can protect myself now. We'll meet again in the future.

- Porchay

"Are you sure you want to go through with this, sir?" A masked bodyguard asked from behind him.

Kim's brow twitched at the question.

"I don't like to repeat myself," The young man states plainly. "I want every guard searching this damn city tonight. You will find him and when you do... bring him directly to me."

"As you command, sir." The man states, bowing his head in respect.

Kim nods, signifying for the man to take his leave. He had no doubt in his mind that the boy would be delivered to him before midnight. After all, how could a single boy hide from more than three dozen Mafia bodyguards?

"Looks like I have some preparation to do," Kim sighs, sliding his fingers down to tap the side of the pistol holstered in his pocket. "No more games, Porchay. Don't make me come get you, myself."


"He went this way," A man's voice called from beyond the alleyway.

Despite his exhaustion Porchay continued to hold his breath, praying silently that his hiding spot would remain concealed. How long now had he been running? It had to be more than a day...His lungs burned from the cold air and his legs physically ached with each step. But no matter how fast the boy ran it seemed Kim's men remained one step behind.

While he expected for his brother to come searching for him he didn't expect to see Kim's personal henchman.

Why is P'Kim looking for me?

His heart still throbbed when the man's handsome face came into mind.

"Just let me go," the boy whimpers aloud, closing his dark eyes.

"I found him!" A man yells from the entrance of the alleyway.

Porchay's eyes shoot open in terror as he leaps to his feet.

"Stay back!" The boy warns, turning sharply on his heels to retreat further into the alleyway.

"I wouldn't take another step if I were you, kid." Another man calls from ahead, stepping out from the darkness. Porchay inhales sharply, grinding his heels into the pavement to stop himself from colliding with the masked figure. He was blocked from both sides.

"I'm not going with you," he hisses defensively, clenching his fists.

"Are you sure about that?" The man questions lowly, flashing the sliver glint of a gun from beneath his jacket.

"Hold up now," the man behind him warns. "Kim ordered us not to hurt the kid."

"I'm not going to hurt him!" The masked figure chuckles, stepping closer. "I'm just going to scare him a little."

"I said s-stay back." Porchay winces, stepping away. With every step back the man continues to inch forward, closing the distance between them.

"I wonder why Kim's so obsessed with this little brat," the man sighs, cocking his pistol.

"His reasons don't concern us. What matters is getting the job done." The other retorts, crinkling his nose.

Porchay swallows nervously, eyeing the two older men cautiously.

They're is my only chance.

With a deep breath, the boy lunges forward in an attempt to bypass the man in front of him. Just as he begins to push by a large hand knots into his dark hair, yanking violently upon his scalp.

"Ah!" Porchay cries out in pain as the man drags him back to his side.

"Where the hell do you think you're going punk?" He snarls into the boy's face.

"Stop! Let me go!" The boy wails, struggling to release himself to no avail.

"Tch- No one's going to hear you back here. Just shut the hell up before I-"

The man suddenly goes mute as the grip of his hand loosens upon the boy's scalp. As Porchay's eyes lift to inspect the man he is horrified at the scene before him.

A cascade of red paints the alleyway wall as blood dribbles angrily from the bullet hole resting directly between the man's eyes.

"You had one job and one job only," a familiar voice sighs, pushing the silenced pistol back into his pocket. "But it looks like I'll have to finish this myself."

Even as the guard slumps motionlessly to the ground Porchay remains frozen in place. 

"I'm sorry you had to see that, love," Kim whispers. His voice is so close now a chill goes down the boy's spine. "You must be awfully tired from all that running...why don't you rest your eyes for a while, hm?"

Before Porchay can react a cloth is pressed against his mouth and nose.

"K-Kim, please! No-no," he attempts to speak but his legs feel weak, his back falling into the other man's stomach as he presses further into him from behind.

"'s all just a bad dream." The older man coaxes lowly. "It'll all be over soon."

Despite his attempts to resist the effects of the drug Porchay's world fades to black.


Author's Note: 

Hello lovely readers! I finally decided to post the first chapter of this story as its own book. I hope you enjoy the book cover I made. :)

I adore poetry so I decided to write little poems for each of the chapters to serve as a little precursor for the content ahead. Hope you like them! ♡

An update for this story will be posted soon so watch your notifications.

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