Stir Crazy

842 69 19

Your secret's under lock and key.

But is your secret safe with me?

You pulled the trigger and killed my heart.

But I'll claw open all your scars.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"He is to be kept inside his room at all times until I permit him to leave." Kim's tone is deathly cold as he stands menacingly in front of the three bodyguards assigned to watch over Porchay.

"And if any of you dare to lay a finger on him like the last imbecile you'll face the same fate, understood?"

Porchay stands motionless between the three guards, his eyes cast to the ground.

Why was I stupid enough to think he might actually let me go?

As soon as Kim had released him from his confines the three guards had come barging inside the warehouse to prevent his escape. A few moments later he found himself being forced into the back of Kim's sleek black limousine.

Although he predicted their final destination in advance it still wounded the boy's pride to be delivered directly back to his room in the Theerapanyakul household. 

I didn't even make it to the airport.

"Regardless of his questions, you are not to engage in conversation." Kim continues,"To ensure he spends an appropriate amount of time reflecting on his error he is not permitted access to his cell phone under any circumstances." 

Porchay flinches at the mention of his cell phone. How was he supposed to stay in contact with anyone if his cell phone was taken away?

"This is ridiculous," Porchay whimpers, finally lifting his eyes from the ground. "You can't just cut off my access to the outside world, Kim. Porsche won't allow it." 

Kim's eyes fall knowingly upon the boy, his expression harsh.

"You do realize your brother never received your note, right?" He questions, stalking to stand directly in front of the boy. 

Porchay swallows thickly at the man's close proximity. Even without the lingering effects of the drug in his system, being this close to Kim always made his skin prickle. 

"No one is coming for you, Porchay," Kim declares.

The sentence makes the boy's stomach churn. While tears threaten to leak from his eyes Porchay inhales deeply, forcing himself to remain calm. No matter how badly his heart ached, he refused to let Kim Theerapanyakul see him crumble so easily.

"How long do you plan on keeping me here then?" Porchay questions, attempting to keep his voice level. 

Even with the fear pooling in his stomach the boy daringly meets the older man's penetrating gaze. While he anticipates the coldness in Kim's eyes he fails to predict the man's next move. As soon as their eyes meet Kim closes the distance between them to grip Porchay's chin firmly between his fingers.

"As long as it takes for you to give up the foolish notion of ever running from me again," he growls, his warm breath tickling the boy's pouted pink lips.

The hair on the back of Porchay's neck stands at his words. 

"You can't be serious," he whispers in alarm, his heart pounding hard within his chest. 

"Is that so?" Kim questions lowly, allowing his thumb to fall from the boy's chin. As he does so his hand lands upon the reddened flesh of the boy's throat. Even with the lightest stroke across his collarbone, Porchay's skin burned like fire beneath his fingertips. He knew without a doubt Kim could feel his racing pulse.

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