Blood on Your Leather

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I got blood on your leather. Can we still get back together?

You know I'm yours to keep but I refuse to see you leave. 

Lick the blood from my lips before you kiss me at the altar.

If my finger slips upon the trigger, then your love confession faltered.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

The pale ivory paper felt thin between Kim's fingers as his thumb stroked carefully across the ink. Despite the open book displayed upon his lap, he hardly paid mind to the book's true contents. Instead, he gazed at Porchay's creased letter tucked carefully inside. No matter how many times he read the boy's words, he couldn't grasp the nature of Porchay's conviction. Did the pain he inflict upon him through his lies and manipulation truly inspire him to flee from his own brother?

I was running from you.

The emotionally charged words muttered from the boy's plush lips lingered heavy on Kim's mind.

"Painting me as the villain in your story will do nothing for you, Chay." Kim mutters to himself, drumming his long tan fingers upon the page. "The more you squirm, the harder this will be for the both of us."

Admittingly, he was being a bit harsh to the boy. Drugging him in an alleyway after witnessing the oozing blood of an open gun wound to the head was hardly a suitable reunion. And yet, despite the horror in Porchay's youthful eyes, the boy was greeted with the harsh bite of rope digging into his flesh the moment he awakened from his drug induced slumber.

There was no comfort or solace to be found in a cold warehouse, completely abandoned by the world.

Although it was nothing short of cruelty, he continued to twist the knife mercilessly into Porchay's fluttering heart in a final attempt to eradicate any lingering emotions the boy might still have for him.

Maybe in another life, he could have welcomed the beautiful raven-haired boy into his embrace instead of keeping him at arm's length. But no number of fanciful dreams could eliminate the stark reality. 

In this life, Kim was merely a monster masked behind his persona, Wik. An idol who dawned a porcelain smile beneath the warm glow of neon lights. But the smile that once swooned Porchay had now transformed into jagged fangs.

Behind his mask, Kim revealed a man capable of lies, manipulation, and murder. 

I'm not meant to be your lover, Chay. I'm meant to be your shadow. Once you've delved in the underworld of the Mafia there is no escaping. And although you may not see it now, I'm doing this for your own good.

The thought made his heart ache in his chest. 

"This sensation of heartbreak must be the only thing that connects us." Kim mutters aloud, allowing strands of his dark hair to fall into his eyes. "For pain is the cost of love, isn't it?" 

While the question was intended to remain unanswered, every hair on Kim's neck stood at attention when Porchay's feathery voice carried into the room. 

"Then I suppose I loved you quite dearly."

Like a viper coiled to strike, Kim's eyes dart to the location of the voice.

Porchay didn't look like himself.

The boy stood teetering on his heels in the open doorway of the room; an unconscious guard laying by his feet.

It didn't take Kim long to notice the boy's bloody hand coiled around the dark metal handle of a gun. Blood dripped onto the floor as he stood in eery silence. There was a devoid look in his dark eyes that was unsettling as he stepped into the room.

"I've asked for you to speak to me every day now." The boy whispers, his voice scarcely audible above the beating of Kim's heart.

Was this really happening? How could Porchay possibly outwit and escape bodyguards of the mafia for a second time?

Something momentous was on the brink of unfolding, poised to shake the foundations of their relationship forever.


Author's Note:

Hello lovely readers! I hope you enjoyed this continuation of 'My Wicked Destiny.' If you enjoy this fanfic please follow, vote, comment, and share. It means the world to me and keeps me motivated to write! ♡

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