Stuck in The Crossfire 🔞

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A monster lurks beneath my skin.
A barrier so sickly thin.

Bruises bloom from deep within.
My body has been drenched in sin.

An entanglement of silhouettes.
He plays me like an old cassette.

Bodies unite in blood and sweat.
I'm too far gone to feel regret.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───


Don't make me ask again," Porchay demands, tears staining his flushed cheeks. "I'm going to count to three, Kim. If you don't answer me now, you'll never get the chance to tell me again."

Kim's eyes widened in horror at Porchay's chilling ultimatum.

"Put the gun down, and I'll tell you. I'll tell you anything you want to know, so don't- "


Porchay ignores Kim's pleas to lower the gun, choosing instead to begin his forboding count down.

"Put the damn gun down, Porchay! I'll tell you, please," Kim cries, now approaching Porchay with haste.


Kim collides with Porchay, forcing the boy to the ground. In the fight that ensues, the gun goes off, nicking Kim in the shoulder. Despite the searing pain, he doesn't stop his assault until the gun is pried from Porchay's bloody hand.

Porchay's anguish manifests itself in a muted sob, muffled by the force of Kim's body pinning him against the cold floor.

"I'm going insane because of you," Porchay yelps, his voice strained with sorrow and frustration. "I wish I never learned your name."

His fingernails dig into the flesh of Kim's strong arms, leaving angry red scratches that gleamed red with blood.

"I know," Kim winces, refusing to shift from his position atop the boy despite the pain. The wounds hardly mattered when he was staring face to face with Porchay's tear stained face.

"Then why?" Porchay wails, squirming to free himself to no avail. "Why won't you just tell me the truth? Is ripping me apart limb by limb some sort of twisted game for you? I didn't want to believe it when you said you were a monster, but now, I do."

Kim shudders at the statement, his breathing shallow.

"What do you want me to say, Porchay?" Kim questions in a low growl, "I'm no fucking saint, but I'll be damned if you kill yourself because of me."

Porchay closes his eyes, exhaustion finally overtaking his body at his futile attempts to overpower Kim.

"You just told me you would tell me anything I wanted to know," Porchay whispers, his voice defeated. "Was that a lie, too?"

"Sometimes the truth is better left unsaid," Kim whispers harshly.

Porchay grimaces at the statement.

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