16 - Resonance Of Change

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As Graviton tightened his fists, the building around him began to shake. His eyes were fixated on the alien employee, as he started to levitate towards them. With a smirk on his lips, Onyx began to gradually approach him, shaking his head. But before the pirate captain could say a single word, something would catch his attention. Hearing someone enter the building, his body peered around to spot his sister. Strolling in from the entryway, Sapphire stared down her brother, her fists tightened as well.

"Onyx, I'm sick of this. All this fighting. All this betrayal. I saw you in that cell. I can see it now. You've changed. We're not the same anymore," she said, approaching him slowly. "It doesn't have to continue on like this, us constantly at each other's throats. You don't need to be pirating across the cosmos, trying to fill your heart with money and treasure. There's more to life than just what you see. It isn't about the riches. It's about family."

Graviton landed on his feet, silent, continuing to stare at his sister as she approached him. He knew her words were true, but he wasn't quite sure if he wanted to admit it. Especially after everything he had been through, fighting to survive.

However, his hesitation would come to an end when Black Star stopped before him, taking his hands in hers.

"You know the truth." She stated with a smile. "We don't have to wage war on one another. Just let go of your anger..."

At first, Graviton simply stared at her. Then, a faint frown formed on his face as he looked directly at his sister.

"I'm sorry for what happened between us," he told her, staring into her eyes. "You know I never meant to harm you. And yet, somehow, we ended up here... I thought this was my life now, as this is where I ended up. With Neena and Guardian Babe, I felt as if I was needed... I felt liked... but in the end, it didn't matter. Not to me, anyway. All that mattered was being with you, even if I didn't want to admit it. I hated myself for feeling the way I did, for thinking those thoughts. But in the end, they were real. They were honest..."

Black Star nodded, smiling softly.

"So change, be better, be the best version of yourself that you can be!" she encouraged her brother, looking back at him. "There's nothing wrong with loving someone, and even if you love them, you shouldn't feel ashamed. I love you, and I always will, because you're my brother! My twin brother who used to adventure with me in The Gravel Jungle and collected bugs for me when I was sad... I want to help you, whatever it takes. So please, for me?"

Sapphire's eyes were full of sincerity, while Graviton could only nod at her. Her words seemed to resonate within him, as he felt a sense of warmth. For the first time in years, Onyx felt like there was hope again.

"If you're willing," he replied, looking down at his sister. "Then, I'll try..."

The building would stop shaking as Neena, who was knelt beside the injured Guardian Babe, looked towards her leader with disbelief. Before she could speak, however, Centa, Rift and Batsy would appear, surrounding them. Making sure they weren't able to flee, the three heroes would start to tie them up before dragging them off towards the ship.

Leaving Onyx with his thoughts, Sapphire made her way towards Fast Maker, Lola and XLR8, helping them to their feet. As the trio thanked her for calming Graviton down, the alien worker suddenly made himself known. Tilting his head and watching Black Star, he'd clap his hands together.

"Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you! That was a close call, wasn't it? You saved us," he exclaimed with a grin. "You saved the platform, how could I ever repay you? Anything at all?"

Ben cocked his head towards the worker, smirking.

"Well, we were talking about fuel... Think you could help us now?" the De Vil captain asked, tilting his head. "Or do you think that's too much for us saving your entire business?"

The worker's eyes widened as he glanced back at the others, then back to Ben. Realizing that they were right, he quickly turned and hustled off, disappearing into a room behind him.

"That man is so cute," Lola commented, making Sapphire turn to her.

Smirking at her friend, Black Star shook her head. The group waited for a short time before the alien reappeared, carrying a dozen canisters with his own two hands. Placing them down before the crew, he smiled warmly at them.

"Thank you so very much! I am so grateful!" the worker exclaimed, turning to face Black Star once more. "How is this?"

The female heroine would shrug, peering at XLR8.

"Perfect..." the Bramnium clapped. "Just perfect! Thank you! We'll be out of here soon, promise!"

A selection of the group would take the canisters from the man, nodding at him as they headed out of the building and towards their ship. With Graviton following behind, the group would approach Centa, Batsy and Rift, with them watching over the two female pirates. Looking at them with a shameful look on his face, Graviton raised his hand.

"Let them go, please... They have a ship here, it's just... Invisible, that's how they followed you. They were following my orders, and I promise, I'm done. Don't let them fall for my misdeeds."

The trio looked at one another, before glancing between Black Star and Batsy.

"I say let them go," Sapphire commented. "If they promise to just leave us alone, then maybe we should let them go. It'll make things easier for us, after all... Plus, we don't want to put them in harm's way..."

Slowly, Centa and Batsy nodded, before Rift began to untie Neena and Guardian Babe. Once the rope was removed, the injured duo would stand upright, looking at the heroes as they continued to watch them.

"We're not bad people, really," Guardian Babe stated, heading for their ship. "And we won't bother you any further. Just... Please, no more trouble... And Onyx, stay safe."

As the two pirates hustled off towards their cloaked ship, Black Star would turn to her brother. With an eyebrow raised, she'd study him carefully.

"Are you certain that you want to do this? Do you promise you won't cause any more trouble for us?"

Sapphire watched her brother, the concern clear in her eyes. Still, he knew what he had to do.

"Yes, I promise...," Graviton replied, still looking in the direction that his crew mates went in. "No more trouble."

Black Star sighed, nodding her head and speaking up once more.

"Very well," she told him. "We accept your word. Let's see if you stay true to it..."

With the boarding ramp lowered, the group, now including Onyx, made their way back onboard The De Vil Rocket. As the heroes powered the vessel back up, XLR8 would refuel the ship as quickly as possible, while Ben and Sapphire stayed at the controls.

"All set, everyone?" the female hero asked. "Ready to get out of here?"

As the group gathered around, with the rocket full and ready to go, they all nodded and cheered. With that, BECKI would jump out from the controls, her holographic face overlooking everyone.

"Next stop, Ribernal!" she declared.

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