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In the morning i woke up to theloud crash of thunder. as i jumped from my bed i saw my phone open the lockscreen it was 8:26am and i was getting a warning of heavy rain and to stay indoors.

"damnit looks like im stuck here" i chuckled and walked downstairs to the kitchen after hearing a humming sound which i assumed was springtrap.

once i got in the kitchen however i saw nick making a coffee but before i could say anything i felt two massive hands grab me from behind making me gasp startled but nick didnt hear thankfully.

"spring?" i whispered to make sure nick couldnt hear us

"goodmorning love~" he nuzzled the back of my neck while rubbing his hands up and down my arms gently.

just as he was doing this nick turned around making springtrap immedietly let go and pretend he was patting my head.

"oh nick hi" he said with a slight growl in his tone.

"hey" nick avoided looking at him as he glared at the coffee machine.

i walked away from springtrap and headed to the fridge to grab a drink but before i could open the fridge door springtrap opened it for me.

i looked up at him with a raised brow which made him wink only making my face turn red as i grabbed a pop except the second i grabbed it he took it from my hands.

"Hey! thats the last one!" i complained as he smirked and bent down to my level.

"What did i say? no. pop. before breakfast shorty~" he smirked and ruffled my hair standing back to his full height

"ugh fine bigfoot" i rolled my eyes and walked past him only to have my arm grabbed and be yanked back to him making me slam into him.

"Be careful with how you speak to me or i may punish you love~" he growled into my ear with his hand pressed on the back of my neck keeping me still.

"m-mhm" i was red as a cherry as he leaned in just barely cm's apart then pulled away teasingly making me roll my eyes and walk off into the living room.

putting on netflix i watched my favorite show until springtrap came up behind me and put a glass of milk infront of my face with a few cookies.

i took the milk and drank it as he watched me for a few seconds until i stopped drinking and looked at him but my mouth was covered in milk making him for some reason turn red and walk off.

"Ahem enjoy!"

i wiped my mouth and dipped the cookies in the milk as i watched my show snacking on my food.

once i finished eating the cookies and drinking my glass of milk i stood up and brought my dishes to the sink washing them.

suddenly nick put his coffee cup in the sink right when i finished the dishes.

"sorry y/n" he walked off to the living room and put on his show as i did the last of the dishes but springtrap walked up behind me and grabbed my waist.


I screamed and jumped i was so startled

"SPRING! you nearly gave me a heartattack" i sighed relived with my hand on my heart and my breathing fast.

"sorry darling~ i just wanted to let you know..." he whispered and put 3 plates and 2 cups in the sink with 7 silverware.

"you missed some~" he smirked evily with narrowed eyes and crossed arms bent down to my level.

"you couldnt tell me when i was doing the dishes?" i glare

"nah i just noticed them hon~" he chuckled and turned on the tap for me leaning over the counter watching me.

"youre a real asshole you know" i sigh annoyed and douche the dishes in dishsoap.

he suddenly grabbed my neck tightly and turned my head to him.

"honey~....watch. your. mouth or i will shut it for you" he smirked with a low growl added to it

i turned my head back but he held my neck and put his other hand pressed hard on my back pushing him to me while growling into my ear.

"seems youre a sassy one...dont make me punish you baby~"

my face went bright red as i looked away quickly and did the dishes.

"s-sorry" i apologized to him while using my rag to wash the plates and silverware as the cups soaked in hot water and soap.

"good girl" he chuckled and leaned back over the counter watching me wash the dishes.

after the dishes were finally done nick came in and took a cup i just washed and started making a cup of coffee then took a plate and made a sandwich. once his sanwich was done being made he put the dirty knives back in the sink making me cross my arms and look at him.

i said nothing as he walked back to the kitchen. i could already feel springtraps smirk on his face as he left.

"UGH!" I groaned washing the silverware again

"with the way this is going it doesnt look like youre ever leaving that sink" he chuckled

i glared and finished up the dishes then immedietly ran upstairs so i wouldnt have to do anymore dishes as my hands were already all pruned up like a rasin.

after getting in my room i sat by the window watching the storm all huddled up in my blanket.

"mind if i join you?"

my heart jumped out of my chest when i heard him but i turned around and nodded. he joined me under the blanket and chuckled a bit then when he finally sat down beside me i saw a bowl of popcorn and a pop can as he pushed it to me.

"only this once" he snickered taking a handful of the popcorn.

i grabbed the pop can and tried to open it but i couldnt seem to get it open making him laugh.

"need any help?" he smirked

"I CAN DO IT!" i hid the pop can embaresed.

"just give me it" he laughed and reached for it

"i got it!'" i nearly broke my nail trying to open it until he grabbed it from me and opened it with ease


i rolled my eyes and drank the pop until i heard a loud deafaning crash of thunder making me jump and grab his arm causing his ears to twitch to me.

"awe in need of protection~" he put his arm around me and pulled me closer.

i was silently embaressed as i drank my pop and rested my head on his chest.

"oh well well well look at the little snuggle bug~" he chuckled and pulled me on his lap with my back against his chest and his arms around me.

"shut up"



MONSTER (SPRINGTRAP X READER)   (SMUT WARNING)Where stories live. Discover now