Welcome home...

527 11 4

i heard the front door close and my heart dropped...

"Y/n its not your fault you didnt do anything wrong its okay"


"why?...whats wrong?" he sounded confused

i jumped up quickly and ran downstairs.

"Springtrap?" my heartbeat was slowly getting faster as more places became searched.

after a few minutes i finally realized...he wasnt in the house i ran outside and searched around. "SPRINGTRAP!!" i called out running around like a hen without a head.

"Spring....Please" i covered my mouth realizing he wasnt here i fell to the ground sitting there crying into my hands he couldnt be gone...no...no maybe he was just on a walk...right?...

i got up and sat on the couch sobbing into my knees waiting and waiting for hours for him to come back but there was no sign of him...

what if he was gonna hurt himself?...what if....NO NO!-

I ran down the road quickly my heart pounding i didnt care how crazy i looked.

"SPRINGTRAP!?" i spent countless hours searching till i gave up...i lost him...

i collapsed to my knees in my front door sobbing till my dads car pulled up. he walked in and froze seeing me.

"Hey...Hey whats wrong?" my dad walked over.

"Hes gone..." i cried into my knees.

"..." my dad froze and nodded.

"You broke up?"

"No-..He yelled at me BUT HE DIDNT MEAN IT I KNOW HE DIDNT" i cried but it sounded like i was trying to convince myself.

"About what?"

"He was mad i was talking to matt then suddenly he was yelling that it was my fault he lost deliah! IF I WOULDVE KNOWN I WOULDNT HAVE SPOKEN TO MATT" I cried into my knees.

"I see...he just left?"


"Okay, its okay" my dad hugged me letting me break down.

he comfort me as i cried in his arms imagining how he held me before how it made me feel what did i do? how could i fix it?...did he ever love me?...

i cried to my dad for hours till eventually i fell asleep.


i held my daughter she was crying like ive never seen before asking why? and what she did. eventually she had fallen asleep just passing out from crying so hard.

i picked her up like she was still 3 and carried her to her room. it was a mess as i laid her on her bed tucking her in i was furious that he hurt my daughter. when he swore to me he wasnt going to...


i was in the middle of nowhere seeing the old abandoned pizzarea...exactly where i belonged...i walked into the doors and saw my storage room was still there waiting for me almost saying...welcome home...

i closed the door blocking it off and going to my corner sitting down bringing my knees up resting my arms on the top of my knees and burrying my head in my arms closing my eyes tightly.

The voices were finally quiet here...maybe this really is where i belonged...alone....but i kept thinking...about her...not deliah, not the kids, not anything just the way i used to hold her the way all the noise stopped when we got intimate and bonded the way everything froze when she'd smile...maybe this was the wrong choice.. i was just pushing her closer to matt....further from me...what if i go back one day...and shes with matt.....

MONSTER (SPRINGTRAP X READER)   (SMUT WARNING)Where stories live. Discover now