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around morning i slowly opened my eyes seeing y/n under me still asleep God she was peaceful...wish i could be that peaceful...

i nuzzled her cheek and got up leaving the room going downstairs. i walked in the kitchen and huffed softly grabbing a pan and bowl as i went to the fridge grabbing pancake ingredients. i put the stove on letting the pan heat up as i mixed the batter to a nice thick mixture.

my hand hovered over the pan warming up telling me the pan was hot enough as i poured the pancake batter into the pan making a medium sized pancake.

i watched over the pan my mind wandering to when deliah and i would bake together and when i first showed her how to make my famous pancake recipe she couldnt crack an egg to save her life always getting the shell in the mix.

Fritz- "Oh look who it is is that my murderer?"

"What fritz?" i groaned annoyed as my fingers tapped the stovetop.

Fritz- "Oh nothing im just bored"

"Not my fault" i growled and leaned on the counter.

Fritz- "Actually you killed me so that is your fault so what are you doing?"

i saw fritzes ghost sit on the stove backing as i sighed.

"Making pancakes" i watched the holes apear in the pancake telling me it was ready to flip.

Fritz- "Didnt you used to do that for deliah every morning?"

"Yes..." I growled again grabbing the pan handle flinging the pancake in the air landing it perfect.

Fritz-"You must miss her"

" have no idea..." i sighed and put down the pan she was like my own daughter so it was painful to loose her and see that look on her face.

Fritz- "Stupid y/n"

"Im sorry?" i growled looking at fritz i felt my heart drop as my blood boiled under my skin.

Fritz-"Well its her fault you lost deliah"

"No it isnt it was mine for doing it in the first place" i huffed calming back down i had to get my anger issues under control more.

Fritz- "Well if she didnt show up or open her big mouth then maybe you wouldnt be here"

"...what? open her mouth what do you mean?" i looked at fritz.

Fritz- "I heard her...talking to nick she told him all about you being a murderer. she had it all planned what a selfish rat taking deliah from you like that"

"..youre lying! she didnt do that" i growled.

Fritz- "Whatever you say"

Fritz suddenly disapeared as i started thinking about it...did she really? she couldnt have...shed have told me...right?....No its just those kids lying to me had to be....she wouldnt....she

"Springtrap?" i heard a soft sleepy voice beside me as i looked down snapping out of it.

"Y/n" i smiled picking her up under her arms and sitting her on the counter.

"Mm- what are you making" she yawned.

"Pancakes" i ruffled her hair.

she smiled at me and i felt my heart sink. no way she couldnt have done that.

"Hey whats up?" she chuckled fixing my bow as my heart shattered....deliah made that for me.

i turned my head and finished that pancake pouring more in the pan.

MONSTER (SPRINGTRAP X READER)   (SMUT WARNING)Where stories live. Discover now