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Rose's POV

I shuffled in the bed and felt something warm between my legs. Oscar's arm was scooping me, but I was worrying about something else right now.

The warmth.

It wasn't. Was it? I hope not.

I slowly and gently put Oscar's hand off me and looked on the bed. Shit!

It was all bloody, so I cursed myself. Oscar next to me ruffled and opened his eyes. He saw the scene, but the first few seconds he didn't even realise what was happening.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I apologised and stood up. Why?! Why the fuck? He lifted the sheets and examined the bloody mess.

My eyes widened when I saw that there was a blood stain on his sweatpants.

"I'm sorry." I said again.
"Oh, Sun. It's okay, it's not your fault. I will clean up." he smiled and stood up.
"No! You won't clean this. It's disgusting. I'll clean it myself." I started and he eyed me suspiciously.

"Who said that? Was it Lance?" he asked softly, but his eyes darkened at the thought of my ex.
I looked down. It was him.

It happened exactly one time. He told me it's disgusting and that I should never sleep next to him again, if my period is close.

"Let me tell you something, Sunshine. Period is normal. It happened. It isn't your fault. I will clean it and run you a bath. Do you have any tampons or anything in your room." he assured. He was so sweet. My eyes filled with tears.

Fuck off, hormones.

I literally despise them. I get so fucking emotional during my periods.

"Thanks." I gulped my tears down.
He walked to me and hugged me tightly.
"Let's run you a bath." he rubbed back and pulled away, smiling.

I followed him into the bathroom and he plugged the bath, so it would fill up.

When the water was ready, he pulled my shirt and underwear off and helped me in the bath.

I relaxed when the water touched my body, all my worries getting off my shoulders.

"I will leave you alone." Oscar recalled and left the bathroom after gently kissing my forehead.

To be honest, I liked being alone.

I thought about this weekend. About everything that happened in three fucking days.

After half an hour, Oscar came in telling me, he cleaned everything.
I thanked him for millionth time and got out of shower.

He even got me some pads and tampons and let me borrow his clothes.

I put on some boxers, which he grabbed on the way back from the shop from my room. I didn't really like boxers, but when I was on my period they were one of the best things.

I pulled up some random sweatpants he put on the counter and dressed into his black hoodie.

The fact, that I had a flight in six hours, killed me. I will have to deal with this bloody monster on a plane?

Fuck people.

I mean i would fuck some people with pleasure, but that's a conversation for another day.

When I'll be drunk.

"When do you have a flight?" I asked Oscar, when I came out of the bathroom.
"The same time as you." he grinned.

What did he do?

"What did you do?"
"I won't leave my girl on a plane alone, while she's on her period. Duh." he rolled his eyes jokingly and I chuckled.

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