~Chapter 1~

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{Katrinas P.O.V}

I figured out that Sebastian and I both have the exact schedule as each other. So right now we're in art and we still have the rest of the day, to say the least he's so much more nicer then I expected. Well around me anyways, he always growls at guys who look at me. Like when a male werewolf is protecting his mate. OH NO, he can't be my mate I mean, great I won't know till Friday just great!

"Hey you ok there kitty kat?" Sebastian asked with worry and yes he's already given me a nick name. "I'm fine Sebby webby, just spaced out for a bit there I guess." I replied quietly as to not get in trouble by talking too loudly. Okay so I may have given him a nick name too, but what can you do when it's suits him perfectly. "Alright, I'm just worried that's all." He said and I heard a dash of concern. "Anyways could I borrow your high lighters please? I want to try something. I promise it'll be really cool and you'll get them back once I'm done. " He asked pleadingly, he even pouted and everything.

"Sure why not right hahaha." I laughed a little when he looked happy to get my high lighters. "Thank you so much kit kat!" he said excitedly as he gently took them from my grasp. His fingers brushed against mine and I felt little electric shocks go through my body. But they weren't bad shocks, they felt nice and warmed up my cold body. I may be a werewolf but I still get cold no matter what. Sebastian smirked mischievously, like he was gonna do something that'll amuse everyone just not the teacher. I watched as he got the teachers whiteboard markers and replaced them with my high lighters. See my high lighters on a whiteboard act like permanent markers.

I giggled a little when he almost got caught doing it though. Once he was done well the whole whiteboard was quite 'pretty' hahaha. Sebastian used all my high lighters and they were very bright too. "Well I hope that brightened your day." He spoke quietly and smirked slightly. My moon goddess when he smirks I feel happy but, I have yet to see him smile properly. "Yeah thanks Sebastian, I feel a little more welcomed in the school now." I said cheerfully and hugged him. That's when the little shocks came back to me. 'Why does that keep happening between us. Whenever I make any skin contact at all, I get shocks all over my body.'

Just when I think my day was gonna be awesome for the rest of it, some girl who looks like the schools queen bitch. Decided to get into a fight with me. See having an older brother can help in so many ways, like when they teach you how to fight. The first thing she said to me surprised me though. "Hands off my Sebastian, he's my mate I just know it!" She all but screamed in my face. "Sebastian is just a really good, close friend now I suggest not to scream at me again. Otherwise you'll be sitting in a hospital bed for months, ok?" I said quite calmly.

Of course she decided not to do the rational thing, and went to slap me. Before she could, to my surprise Sebastian grabbed her wrist and pushed her away from us both. "LEAVE NOW LYLA!" He roared in a very powerful, more like an alphas voice. "F-fine." She whispered fearfully, like he had broken her into millions of pieces. She stalked off to her group of barbies, and they exited the cafeteria. She already had tears pouring out of her eyes, even as she was leaving through the doors."You didn't have to do that, you know. I was ok on my own." I informed him as we were getting lunch.

"Yeah it really looked like it there Kat." Sebastian replied sarcastically. I followed him to the table and sat down with him. He introduced all the guys and some of them had their mates with them. Theo had light brown hair, green eyes and pale skin. His mate Rachel had beach blonde hair, tanned skin and blue eyes. They looked so cute together. Then there was the twins Rico and Vincent. They were identical twins the only thing that was different was, Rico was a little taller then Vincent by a inch or two. They haven't found their mates yet but I bet they would be together forever.

Then there was Alec he didn't talk to me, just nodded his head my way. I guess he was to busy trying to listen to his mate because I saw love and vulnerability in his eyes, once he fixed his eyes on her. That's when I was tapped on the shoulder slightly, it was Vincent. "So how's your day with Seth been so far?" He asked with an amazing smile on his face. "Yeah it's been fun actually, he's quite the trouble maker though isn't he?" I giggled after I said this, I watched as everyone relaxed because they knew I was nice.

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