~Chapter 14~

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{Sebastian's P.O.V}

(yes it's still in his point of view)

I'm following Damien, who had caught Katrinas scent not long after we left the pack house. It was pissing me off, that whoever took her, took her pretty far and rather quickly too. All of a sudden Damien growled, I sensed something abnormal. After mind-linking everyone about this presence that seemed to be watching over us, we continued quickly but also more cautiously.

Suddenly, around 10-15 rouges jumped in front of us and surrounded us within seconds.
Great just great. I thought to myself.

I barked and growled loudly towards them and stood high. I presume they got the message, they slowly backed away from us and a larger wolf walked forward.

He seemed to have the air of an alpha but smelt rouge too. Just what I need, more problems.

"Alpha chance, nice to meet you, we have your mate."

That set me off...


"No, not yet, we need to discuss a few things first."

"I will not discuss anything until I see that my mate is safe."

Suddenly two witches jumped in front of me and a watery sphere appeared before my eyes. Water witches, they show you what you need to see then bugger off afterwards.

I growled a little when I saw my Kat, laying on a bed but she was chained to it. At least she was asleep.

"Better now alpha?"

"I guess so, what is it you want to discuss?"

"WE want your mate, obviously we can't have her, but it doesn't mean we can't try."


"Yes yes, instead of having her, we want your first child."

No no no. Kat and I would be devastated if that happened, I can't let that happen.

Wait...he didn't say first born, just our first child.. I could adopt a child and then give it to them.

"Okay..fine, you can have our first child."

I faked sadness to make myself seem realistic. It worked.

"Good choice, well it's a done deal."

The rouges followed their alpha and came back only minutes later with a sleeping Kat in their alphas arms. Almost instantly I morphed into my human form and gently took her out of his arms, so I didn't wake her up.

After a few minutes she jolted awake and looked at me with a confused but relieved look.

"Are you okay kat?"

"Yes, just had a strange dream is all."

{Katrinas P.O.V}

When I fell asleep I had the strangest dream. I was in my wolf form but I was only a child.

The woods surrounded me, as I kept walking, the woods seemed to get a lot greener, brighter as well. It also started to get a bit crowded and constricting. In the time that I spent wondering around, lots of different animals came into my sight. They were all interesting, some were loud and colourful. Others were dull in colour and kept to themselves. After a long while, I must've fallen asleep sometime through the dream but I didn't wake up from my sleep.

I woke up in my dream, laying next to a big oak tree. It stood tall, high up in the air. My small body, as a pup, seemed to look miniature compared to all the trees around me. After wondering around for what felt like hours, I came across a little white rabbit. my curiosity increased, I followed the little white rabbit and it led me through the forest to a plain green field. It looked like it went for miles. Beyond my sight the field still went on.

The little rabbit stopped in the middle of the field, I stopped as well. It turned around an looked at me with its small dark brown eyes. At staring at me for what seemed like a few minutes, it hopped behind me and nudged my back paw. It was trying to tell me to move forward. Suddenly the sky turned pitch black, like a light switch had turned it on. Many, many stars were visible to myself. My eyes travelled towards the sky. After a while a loud noise sounded and I jolted up from my dream.

I looked up to see Sebastian, I was confused about the dream but also relieved to see that I was safe in his arms. I snuggled into his chest and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Lets go home baby girl." he whispered into my ear.

"Yes please." I whispered back.

Sebastian walked out of the forest and walked all the way home.

"I've got something to talk to you about in the morning okay, always remember I love you dearly Katrina, always have and always will."

"Okay, lets go to sleep for now though."

"Good idea babe, very good idea."

He put me on his bed and flopped onto it straight after. Once he was comfortable he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled my back onto his chest, while we were both laying on our sides.

"Sleep well baby girl."

"I will, you sleep well too babe."

"I'll be fine now that your here safe and sound in my arms."

That put a smile on my face and we both fell asleep.

A/N: here ya guys go 😅 aint they cute?

My possessive alpha mateWhere stories live. Discover now