Where Are You?

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It was storming that night and the Trancy manor was very quiet once in a while since every time there was loud thunder going on Alois Trancy would scream out for Claude, his butler. But they don't know what they are gonna get that night. As Claude carried Alois bridal style walking around the manor since they are officially together, a knock was heard at the door.

"Your highness i'm gonna put you back to bed so I can get the door"

"No! Claude please take me with you! I don't want to be alone!" Claude nodded and continued carrying him then putting him down to get the door.

"Good Evening. What..." He didn't finish his sentence because of the sight that he saw. I front of him he saw Ciel bleeding to death with some much cuts and a deep wound across his back as he laid there barley breathing.

"Ciel!" Alois ran up to him flipping him over to see his face covered with blood but it wasn't his blood.

He caressed his cheek and getting his once beautiful white shirt dirty with blood.

"Claude come help me!" Claude ran over and picked Ciel up holding him in bridal style.

"Hannah!" Out of know where Hannah appeared then making a loud gasp when she saw Ciel.

"I want you to grab the first aid quickly! He might die soon!" Hannah left. Alois and his butler ran inside to a extra bedroom gently placing Ciel on the bed. Both Alois and Claude stripped him from his clothes leaving him in his boxers. More cuts and deep wounds were showed and Alois let some tears flow out of his eyes since Ciel was his best friend. Hannah came in the room with a lots of bandages and a bowl with water and towels to clean him up. She handed him all the stuff then right away they got to work.

"There's something wrong here" Claude continued cleaning him up along with Hannah.

"The blood on his face and hands isn't his" The demon butler smelt the blood on his face and hands then the blood from his wounds for difference.

"What do you mean Claude?" Alois stared at his lover in shock.

"This is... Sebastian's blood" There eyes just widened but then they continued to clean him up.

After an hour later Ciel was finally clean and stitched up. His breathing became normal again which was very good news. Alois fell asleep in the armchair snoring silently while Claude picked him up bridal style and walking to his room. Hannah stayed in the room just in case anything happens to Ciel.

~~~~~2 DAYS LATER~~~~~

It was morning and Ciel finally woke up but he felt big pain coming from his right eye.

"Where am I?" As he sat up he winced in pain as it shot through his body.

"What the bloody hell happened?" The young earl pulled the covers off of him moving his legs to the side of the bed then standing up. But fell back down since his legs aren't ready to carry his weight but he forced him self up again then walking over to the mirror to see a sight that he wish not to see. His right eye was just plain purple it didn't have the contract symbol on top at all. He stood there crying then screaming punching the mirror making his fist bleed and pieces falling. He fell on to his knees crying in his hands while the doors of his room burst opened. Alois and Claude saw Ciel crying and bleeding once again, Alois walked up to him then started to rub his back.

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