The Search For A Certain Someone & Turning Into A Demon

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A month later and still no Sebastian, the servants looked far and wide for him but nothing. Ciel starts to live with Alois while the servants took care of the mansion. The earl rather stayed at the Trancy's because he didn't want to go back when there was to much memories of Sebastian. Ciel cried every night and woke up screaming for Sebastian. What Ciel didn't know was that Sebastian could hear him crying for him, but couldn't come when called. 

Ciel started to get nightmares that was more horrifying than the ones he had when he was younger. He wouldn't come out of his room and instead look out the window to see if Sebastian would be standing outside waiting for him to come out but never came true.                                               

"Young master, we couldn't find Sebastian any where" Alois sighed. "How am I gonna explain this to Ciel again. He'll be crying all night again" Alois walked upstairs heading towards Ciel's room.           "Ciel is it alright if I came in?" Alois heard a slight noise then entered. He found Ciel looking out towards the window with sad desperate eyes. "Ciel we couldn't find him again. They have no clue where he is" 

Ciel started to tear up and with out even holding back he let all of it out, falling to the floor while he cried into his hands. "PLEASE SEBASTIAN COME BACK!!! I JUST WANNA SEE YOUR FACE AGAIN AND LISTEN TO YOUR VOICE ONE LAST TIME!!! PLEASE STAY WITH ME PLEASE!!!"  Alois walked towards Ciel kneeling down next to him patting his back. Ciel still cried but then stopped all of a sudden. Tears stopped filling his eyes while he sat there motionless. "I can't cry anymore. I have no more tears to shed. I have no emotions" Alois gave Ciel a big hug then whispered something into his ear. "I'll cry for you then Ciel" And Alois did, tears slipped threw his eyes while Ciel hugged back. 

Alois cried for Ciel that night. He got depressed seeing his friend in pain, so he did something very risky. After crying for Ciel he walked threw the long hallways towards his room. He opened the door then closing it, walking towards his bed and sitting at the edge. "Claude" And out of know where Claude appeared in front of him. "Yes my love?" Claude bowed "I have a favor to ask. A very important favor" Claude got confused "And what would that favor be?" Alois sighed "I want you to turn my into a demon" 

Claude's face read shock all over. He couldn't look at his master straight in the eye, not wanting to believe it. Being turn into a demon is very risky, you don't know if you'll die or live. A lot have died because the pain was to much to bare. The feeling of your heart stopping is not a good feeling when your still alive and breathing. "But master turning into a demon is to risky. Why do you even want to become a demon" Alois looked at the ground "So I can help find Sebastian. I'm tired seeing Ciel so... so... depressed. It makes me wanna cry every time I look into those sad blue eyes of his" He clenched his fist while tears build up in his eyes. 

Claude bent down so he was Alois's level. "Are you sure you want to do this. That pain hurts more than anything. It has killed plenty of people" Alois puts on a serious face "I'm ready.... let's do this" Claude nodded. "Please sit still. If you move around a lot, the pain would be more sore" Alois did what he was told. Claude disappeared then came back having a goblet and some water inside. Claude cut his wrist letting the blood drip into the cup, instead of having clear water it turned into blood. He bent down to Alois handing him the goblet. "Drink it all" Alois took it.

He looked down at the cup hesitating for a second then looking up to Claude. "You don't need to do this" Alois pulls a serious face. "I'm gonna do it. For my best friend, Ciel" And Alois drank it all. After he drank the very last drop, he felt a strong pain in his chest. Alois threw the cup on the floor then falling into Claude's arms. He screamed louder than ever feeling the pain over whelming him. Alois could feel the darkness and pain take over his whole entire body causing him to cry. As he kept on screaming he finally passed out in Claude's arms. Claude picked him up and laid him on top of his bed worried that if he would make it or not but he's just gonna half to wait until tomorrow morning to see if he's dead or not. 

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