Meet Up

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The picture has nothing to do with the story, I just like it😊
And I finally watched Book of Atlantic after like what a year since it came out🤔
Wow just like this story😅


Ciel laid in his bed staring at the ceiling. He didn't cry, he didn't smile, Ciel didn't show any emotion. He was to busy in his thoughts, rethinking about last night. It felt like it was a dream but sadly it was all real. The way he had to fought Sebastian last night was painful, and seeing Sebastian with Lucifer felt like he was just struck by the demon sword.
Yes, it was very devastating but Ciel couldn't do anything. If Ciel fought then court would get involved, to much steps to go through. Having the court involved with the situation, Ciel already knew he would lose. Lucifer is the Devil's pupil! There was not even at .5% chance Ciel would win. Unless he does it his way.
Alois leaned against the door frame of Ciel's room. Ciel doesn't notice the figure. Alois slowly walked to Ciel's bed at sat down, then laying down the opposite side of Ciel.
"What are you waiting for?" Alois remarked.
"To wake up." Ciel sound pissed. "I have come to an conclusion. I am sleeping, this is all a terrible nightmare. I will wake up in my mansion with Sebastian at my side." his eyes still glued to the white ceiling.
"I'm afraid that's not how it works Ciel." Alois wanted to help him but he had know idea what to do at this moment.
"Where's Claude?" Ciel asked, for once trying to kill the silence that hovered over the two boys.
"I have no idea. He comes and goes. I don't mind, it's not like I have a leash on him. Claude is allowed to roam where every he wants." Alois said as he placed both of his hands under his head and crossing legs.
"You're not afraid that he might run away or something?" Ciel glanced at Alois a bit.
"I did at first but then I learned to just trust him. I mean that's what Love is about. Trust. So I let him roam free." Alois stated. Ciel thought about what Alois said. Love equals trust. Then that thing between Ciel and Sebastian wasn't love? Was it just desire or pleasure the entire time?
"I see. Well it's good that you trust him that much. That honestly takes guts. To trust people." It was quiet again until Ciel heard little snoring coming from the other side of the bed. He sat up a bit to see a peacefully sleeping Alois.
Ciel let out a heavy sigh. He was stressed knowing that his ex lives in the same town. But he ain't gonna just up and move. No. Ciel was stronger than that and he knew it. Since he can conjure up a demon sword like it's nothing. So Ciel will become stronger to get his full revenge.


The alleyway was dark, quiet, and smelly. It was not narrow, perfect for a good fight when hiding from cops. It was the only alleyway without any homeless person sleeping. Everyone who walked pass didn't mind the tall man standing there.
Claude in the middle of the alleyway, facing towards the crowd. Arms crossed and foot tapping against the stone pavement. Looking at his watch as the time ticked away. Claude had patience tho, he did dealt with Alois for years so waiting was practically nothing. It could be a hobby.
A sound of steps against the stone pavement could be heard coming up from behind Claude. Swiftly in one move Claude swung his head around to see a silverware about to pierce his head.
With no effort, he caught the silverware between his pointer and middle finger. Claude's attention instead laid on the man from the opposite side of him. Also wearing a butler outfit.
"What took so long? You've never been late before, Michaelis." Claude through back the silverware. He frowned at Sebastian. Obviously mad at him as well.
"Master wouldn't let me go. He's so clingy, sometimes he'll follow me anywhere throughout the manor. He's like a pup." Sebastian stated practically ignoring Claude's frowned expression. It just caused him to to frown a bit more.
Claude let's out a 'tch' noise through his teeth. "I won't take that excuse."
Sebastian let out such a heavy sigh. Finally getting the picture and the reason Claude planned to meet with him.
"I bet your wondering why? Why I left? Well it's a long story." Sebastian said as he scratched the back of his head.
"I've been waiting on Alois for years, I think a story wouldn't be bad." Claude crossed his arms again.
"Well, I would like to be seen innocent so, I'll tell you. Please don't tell anyone else about this." Claude made a small grunt of approval.


It went complete silent once Sebastian finally finished the story. Only the busy street and the squeak of the rats could be heard between the two men.
"Do you still love him?" Claude broke the silence by asking an intense question. Sebastian could only look away.
"Do you still love him?" Claude's tone was more demanding and more harsh. The two demons made eye contact. Red with golden eyes.
"Yes. Dearly." Sebastian's voice was serious. They're stare got more intense.
"Then it leads all back to the beginning. Why?" Claude didn't back down, feeling like it was a battle. Sebastian got frustrated so he started to slightly yell.
"Because I have no choice! Ciel and I would've died! I did it for his sake, but he doesn't need to know that! I don't care if he hates me so much, as long as he is still alive!" Sebastian calmed his blood pressure, feeling like any minute he could explode.
"He wants revenge. He wants to kill you and Lucifer. I still remember thousands of years ago he stayed in his room and cried all night. Most of the times in his sleep, he would call out your name like you'll be in his arms. Then he went to turn himself into a demon just to find you. Never once did he give up. So I'm guessing that death is nothing compared to the pain that he has been through." Claude's stare could probably wipe out an entire population.
Sebastian stayed silent thinking about everything that Ciel went through just to find him. He even sold his own life to just turn into a demon to have an advantage of finding him.
"Who...who changed him?" Sebastian's eyes kept staring at the floor. He didn't even want to see what kind of expression laid upon Claude's face.
"Vaidon." Claude said simply.
"How did he escape him?" Sebastian was surprised at the name.
"He didn't. Vaidon took him under his wing and trained him. I talked with him not long ago. Ciel has unbelievable power he told me. One he has never seen before." Claude gave up on his stare and his normal face expression started to come back.
"I need to get back to my master. He must be waiting for me." And like that Sebastian turned around and left Claude alone in the alleyway once again. Claude let out a heavy sigh also rubbing his temples.
"Damn you, Michaelis." Claude walked out of the alleyway heading back home.

None of this is gonna end well

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