Chapter 21 - No Touch

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-slight time skip-

Graduation is arriving. In about 2 weeks, all the seniors will be graduating. But a few aren't looking too great. One of them being San. And his parents aren't happy about it, mainly his father.

Wooyoung was asked multiple times to come tutor San, and of course, San didn't want to be tutored, especially by his boyfriend.

They got into a little fight. They are currently arguing while Sans father is out on a business trip.

"I said you don't have to tutor me. There is no way I'm going to become smart enough to ace a final in less than 2 weeks."

"Well, if you would've paid attention to the last times I tutored you, you would have been ready weeks ago,"

San shrugged his shoulders, "but instead, we ended up doing other things," hoping to change the subject.

Wooyoung shot him a glare. "Are you crazy?"

"A little," San snapped back.

"Choi San, as we speak, we are not boyfriends, I'm your tutor, so don't be rude and focus." Wooyoung snapped back harder.

San opened his mouth to protest, but when Wooyoungs eyebrows raised, he decided to keep quiet.

Woo turned away and pushed the book in front of San. "Do Them all again, and don't just guess, try." He put a pen on the book for San to write with before opening his own book to do his own work.

"Can I ask questions?" San asked softly.

"You can ask questions after, when I know what you know, just try your best,"

"But I don't know how to do any -" He closed his mouth and sighed as he saw Woo writing away in his own book.


While Wooyoung was looking over Sans work, San admired his beauty all over again. He actually started to wonder how he won the boy over and got him to date. I mean, he thought Wooyoung would want someone stable and smart. But instead, he got someone dumb and quite unstable.

He sighed through his nose when Wooyoung started to go over everything. He did his best to focus, but sometimes his mind would wander, then he had to make Woo repeat himself.

When Wooyoung had to repeat himself on the 6th question, he stopped and looked at San. "Did you get any of that? Are you not paying attention? What else could you possibly be thinking about right now? We are studying"

"You, you're running in my mind."

His response did slightly get Wooyoung to waver, but he was quick to snap out of it. "Don't try to flirt. You aren't getting anything from me until you pass your finals, even if that means retaking them next year."

San widened his mouth in shock, "Next year? What do you mean by that? I can live without sex. "

Wooyoung smiled, "No touching, no kissing, nothing, 0". He hoped this would help be motivation. It's the only thing he could possibly think of being motivation to San. He has everything else he wants.

"That's unfair. Will you even survive a year?"

"I've been fine for all my life until a few months ago, I think I'll survive quite well, besides, I'm going to college, even I'd I think about it I'll have plenty of things to distract myself with.

"Are you moving away?"

"You think I have the money for that? I'll just find a good college nearby"

"Oh, good, we can still be close then," San smiled.

"Focus, I'm being serious about the no touch thing, not even a finger".

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