chapter 29 - All Night Long

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Wooyoung came back from the library later at night, as he was studying.

San was taking classes to be a realtor. Mrs. Choi divorced Mr. Choi, after San moved out, into an apartment with Wooyoung.

Mrs. Choi is doing great. She's a pretty famous artist. Apparently, she's been doing it the entire marriage, somehow managing to keep her success a secret for so long. She told Wooyoung and San that she knew she was going to divorce at one point, but she wanted to make sure San left the house and for when she had enough money to live a good life.

The publicity after the divorce only made it better as well. Of course, San doesn't like the fact that he's involved in articles. He never even gave permission for his face to be in them, but they still are.


Wooyoung entered the apartment and dropped his bag, and hung his jacket.

He put his slippers on before entering the bedroom, which was also the living room.

It was a simple studio apartment. Sans mother sent him money monthly, enough for a bigger apartment, but Wooyoung said no.

Sans mother did still tell him not to work while he studied, she paid for his college, and he just had to accept it with a thank you. Even if it killed him inside.

San was falling asleep at the table. His laptop in front of him. Wooyoung walked over, seeing his online class displayed. He was supposed to be doing an assignment, in the middle of it, to be exact.

Wooyoung leaned in and kissed his cheek to wake him up.

When San sat up, his eyes opening, he looked at Wooyoung, then he looked at the window.

"Why do you come back so late?" San asked, rubbing his eyes in an attempt to wake himself up fully.

"I still have to study, you know I go to the library," Wooyoung explained.

"Why don't you just study here?" San asked, wanting more details.

"Because I need the books at the library, and I can't get distracted at the library."

San smiled, "Do I distract you?"

"Finish your assignment before I call your mother," Wooyoung said, pointing at Sans face in a scolding manner.

San pout before looking at his screen.

"Can you give me another kiss to give me energy?" San smiled, looking up at Wooyoung, trying to give pleading eyes.

Wooyoung paused for a moment. He then looked at Sans screen. "How far are you into it?"

San looked at the screen, "I don't know, I've probably done 100 or so questions." San seemed a bit annoyed about the assignment, and he started scrolling up, revealing a bunch of questions and a few videos, then he scrolled back down.

"Do you really want to be a realtor?" Wooyoung asked.

San looked up at him, a bit caught off guard by the question. He then shrugged, "Yes, being a realtor seems cool."

"Really? So you aren't doing it because of what you said the night of graduation, right?" Wooyoung asked, wanting more details to be clarified.

San paused again, thinking back to that night. It clicked when he remembered saying something along the lines of wanting to be able to support Wooyoung.

"No, well, sort of, but no, it just seems like a job I'd actually like, that also pays well, for my education level too."

Wooyoung nodded, "Well, it's good that you have it figured out...I'll probably just work in an office, your job is cooler" He gave a small laugh, but he stopped when San didn't even smile along.

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