Chapter 24 - Are You Worried?

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Despite almost failing, San did end up merely reaching the standards to graduate. His grades may have been bad, but at least he took educated guesses on his test to make time go by faster. And he passed the final exam...barely.

As for Wooyoung, he got the top score of his grade, as usual. He did panic that he got a low score on the final exam, but he got the perfect score he wanted, having only missed 3 questions. Luckily, they weren't high point questions.

But now things only get harder for the two, things won't be the same. They can't relax and have fun. They have to work hard, study, and every other thing that comes with being an adult.

But currently they're enjoying their last moments as kids in a karoake room. San, his friends, and Woo were doing karoake the night before graduation.

Yunho and San were singing at the top of their lungs together while Seonghwa and Wooyoung sat and watched. Seonghwa was eating snacks and cheering them on, and Woo followed along.

Then, as a sad song came on, Seonghwa scooted closer to Wooyoung and tapped him on the shoulder to get his attention.

Woo turned to look at him, raising his eyebrows slightly to signal Seong to go ahead with what he wanted to say.

"Are you worried too, or is it just me?"

Wooyoung furrowed his eyebrows in confusion from the vague question. "Worried? About what?"

"Us, I mean...we are going to have to be adults now...what if we break up...I mean, I know nothing lasts forever, eventually someone goes but I'm really worried that me and Yunho might not last with all the stuff we have to do...aren't you worried about you and San?"

Wooyoung paused to listen and think.

He's thought about it before, but he buried it in the back of his mind with his studies.

"I guess...I haven't really thought about it that much," Wooyoung admitted. "Just put yourself first, enjoy it while it lasts, let's not think about what could happen, maybe it won't happen."

"Do you love San?" Seonghwa asked.

Wooyoung paused. He never really thought about love. He for sure likes San, but he doesn't know if he really likes him strongly enough to call it love. What even is love, really?

"Uh..." He hesitated, not knowing how to answer.

Luckily, San sat down between them. "Bonding now they know we're dating?"

Wooyoung looked at him for a while, taking Seonghwas words pretty hard.

"What? Did I do something wrong?" San asked, quickly looking at Seonghwa, who was already talking to Yunho.


Wooyoung went to San's house to stay the night, thinking Sans mother would want to celebrate San graduating, but it seemed like nobody was home.

"Where are they?" Wooyoung asked.

"They're in America. My father had a business thing, and she went along. They'll be back tomorrow morning for my graduation, I didn't tell you?"

Wooyoung looked at San. "You didn't...I only came because I thought they were home,"

San widened his mouth in slight shock. "Should I be offended? Would you have declined if I said we would be alone?"

Woo shrugged. "I don't know,"

"Ah...what were you and Seonghwa talking about earlier? You seemed bothered."

"Do I have to tell you? It wasn't anything serious, I was just a little surprised. He asked me a question, and you interrupted while I was thinking about it, " Wooyoung explained roughly before waking his shoes off.

"You don't have to tell me, but I'd like to know," San added, removing his shoes while watching Woo, waiting for him to respond.

Wooyoung paused. "He asked if I love you,"

San was a bit surprised, wondering why Seonghwa would ask that when he knows they haven't been dating for long. I mean, San knows how he feels about Woo, but he can't expect the same from Woo since they haven't been dating for long.

"Oh..." He wanted to ask if he does love him, but he refrained. Instead, he just stared in silence.

"How do I know if I love you?" Wooyoung asked.

San was surprised by his question, assuming Wooyoung would either say yes or no or move on. Turns out, he doesn't even know. "You'll know when it happens, are you hungry? I can order food... or you can cook for me. " He smiled, hoping he'd cook.

"Do you love me?" Wooyoung asked. "I won't be hurt if you say no, so don't think too hard, and if you don't know, that's okay too,"

"I do." Sans quick reply startled Wooyoung a bit.

"How do you know? Are you sure?" Wooyoung said.

"I wouldn't have said yes if I wasn't sure," San smiled. "Knowing I love you wasn't that hard for me to find out, I always want to be around you, protect you, and how can I not love you and your perfect self?"

He chuckled while putting his hands on Wooyoungs cheeks. "There are a lot of things that told me, too many to list, so you'll figure it out, and you don't have to love me, not everything in life works out."

"Will you break up with me if I don't?" Wooyoung asked.

San put his hands on his hips and furrowed his eyebrows. "If you know you don't love me them the person that should be initiating a breakup would be you, so no, I wouldn't.

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