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I jumped out of my old ford truck, grabbed my tennis bags and went in the house.

"Hey y/n, we gotta talk." Ma said sitting me down at the kitchen counter.

"Yeah go ahead!"  I'm in a really good mood right now because we just won our tennis match agianst the sparta mustangs.(this team actually is one of my school biggest rivals in all sports)

"Your moving in with your dad....in Los angeles"

"Pardon? Are you shipping me off hundreds of miles away because I got into a couple fights?!" I yelled at her. I never yell at my mother, if you do your dead where you stand down her in the south...and we are at the bottom of the south. Texas.

"Go pack your bags your leaving tomorrow."

"Oh my god." I ran upstairs and started throwing clothes into duffel bags. I skipped dinner, i didnt want to talk to my mother, first she skips all of my tennis matches amd then she ships me off to live with my dad!


"Good luck" she hugged me at the airport.


"Gate d24 Boarding." Came over the loud speaker

"Welp thats me" and with that I was off to los angeles.

I couldn't sit still the whole ride there. (I honestly don't want to write about a plane ride across the country so deal)


I got off the plane and looked around for a man with with a green hockey jacket on. I spotted him immediately and walked over.

"Hey dad." I said shaking his hand.

"Hi kiddo. Lets get your bags and then I gotta get to hockey practice."


We found our way to the baggage collection and got my bags. My truck was gonna be dropped off at dad's place later this week.

"So my little girl plays tennis" he asked as he grabbed ronald.

"Yeah careful with ronald, between you and me he's my favorite." I joked

"Who the hell is ronald, this is a tennis racket." He furrowed his eyebrows

"Well no shit Sherlock i name all of my rackets. Like over here is alfred and that's Clifford and this is clayton!" I explained to him.

"Well we better get going to hockey practice, we won't have time to stop home."

"Oh ok."

We walked out hauling all of my bags, i made sure to have all my rackets because i do not trust this man with Clifford yet. We threw all my luggage into the back of his car and we started driving to the rink. We finally arrived and he headed into the locker room. I just went to sit on the bleachers at the rink.

A couple boys came out, but only one cought my eye, he was decently tall, had tan skin and mesmerizing hazel eyes. Damn was he hot. Hell of a lot better than troy. Oh yeah! I have to break up with Troy. I whipped my phone out of my back pocket and clicked on the contact "Hercules.💪"

My honey🥰(y/n's name in Troy's phone): hey herc, I'm gonna have to turn you out loose...

Hercules💪: what?! You're breaking up with me over Text?! I thought you hated that.

My honey 🥰: I'm sorry we live in different states now.

Hercules 💪: we can do long distance tho!

My honey 🥰: we both that ain't gonna work out

Hercules 💪:I can't believe you...what ever

Hercules 💪: well now I can date Avery

My honey 🥰: if you want to date Avery so bad you should've just broke up with me earlier.

Hercules 💪: but I love you not her! Don't leave me please

My honey 🥰: sorry I gotta go a hot guy is talking to me.

Hercules 💪: are you over me already??

Hercules 💪: c'mon baby, you love me

Hercules 💪: is this guy hotter than me?

Hercules 💪: c'mon baby talk to me

Hercules 💪: fine don't answer me, but you know I was the only one that ever loved you for you

And with that I broke up with my boyfriend of 2 years, I know that doesn't sound significant but we're in 9th grade, we've been dating since 7th that's pretty big for a highschool relationship.

I put away my phone and watched the boys, especially the tan one. The all skated around a bit and dad hasnt come out yet.

"Who are you here for beautiful?" The hot boy asked skating up to the wall.

"No one in particular, but i can be here for you handsome" i replied flirtatiously(am i the only one who can not pronounce that word for the life of them??)

"Y/N QUIT FLIRTING WITH MY PLAYERS!" Dad yelled at me from the rink. "AND GET GOIN MENDOZA!"

"So your the all mighty luis mendoza, ive heard alot about you." I told him smirking a bit.

"And your y/n bombay who got shipped up here for getting in too many fights."

"Mhm but I'm y/n y/l/n not bombay"

"How bout your mendoza instead?"

"Laps Mendoza!" Dad yelled at him. He rolled his eyes and left.

"I know you got charms but don't flirt with my team, especially Mendoza! He messes with girls like nobody's buisness."

"Well he can mess with me all he wants, hes hot as the devil himself" i replied leaning back in my chair.

"Get down here i gotta introduce you too the team."

"Alright." And i went down to the rink. I was only in hey dudes some wrangler shorts and a tshirt so it was pretty cold on the rink.

"Guys this is my daughter y/n, shes gonna be living with me for a while,probably until she can legally move out, but in the mean time she's gonna be staying in the dorms with you dorks."

(Idk about y'all but I can see Bombay calling them dorks all the time lol)

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