Chapter 1 - Beginning

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This chapter is not accurate in the MHA timeline or what they say or how it plays out. The only thing the same is the hero ranking.

I was sitting in a chair next to my dad bored out of my mind. We were at the yearly hero ranking reveal thingy and because my dad was hopefully going to be in number four this year we had to be there. Leo was next to my feet laying down while he wasn't working.

I am blind, and Leo is my guide dog. When we aren't moving around he is off duty so he just sleeps most of the time.

Oh and yes, my dad is the pro hero Best Jeanist. Are you all so proud of me? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

I heard the sound of a mic and turned my head towards the sound, leaning into my dad a bit just for reassurance he is actually there still even if I can smell his strong sent of denim.

"Now I will announce the top ten heroes for this year!" A male voice spoke through the mic. I felt dad tense up a bit but other than that I could tell he was keeping his cool.

I twirled my blonde hair around on my finger. How do I know it's blonde? Well because when I'm in my wolf form I can see a blurry version on the world and that includes colors. Just like I know my wolf form has red eyes and black fur.

"And the number four hero. Best Jeanist!" I must have zoned out cause I missed 10 through 5 of the heroes.

My dad hugged me and walked over to the stage to stand by the other heroes, at least that's what he's always done. After that they announced Hawks as number 3, Endeavor as number 2, and All Might as number one.

After that was over there was a big party with all the heroes, as well as a little press conference.

As soon as we exited the auditorium where the awards were given all of the heroes and their families were swarmed by reporters. I was becoming nervous because I could hear people yelling at Leo and stepping on him as well as running into me.

Suddenly a cold hand slipped into mine and pulled me to the side where there was a bench. It was much quieter over here away from the press.

"I told your dad I grabbed you don't worry" the familiar voice of my best friend Shoto Todoroki assured me, putting a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"Thanks Sho. God I can handle the press but when they are stepping on Leo it's really hard" I grumbled hearing him chuckle.

"Yeah I can tell. Leo looks fine by the way I don't think he got hurt. Now why don't we head over to your car and meet up with your dad. I'll make sure no one hurts Leo" he offered and I nodded, brushing my shoulder with his so I knew he was there and giving Leo the command to follow Shoto who he adored.

In places like these my sense of smell gets really hard to use because there are so many people and for that same reason Leo can't see dad to find him, so having Sho here is really helpful.

We made it to dad pretty quickly with Sho snapping at reporters who tried to grab me and shove a mic in my face. People liked to take advantage to me being blind.

"Thank you Shoto. Now why don't you go meet up with your family and we'll see you later alright?" My dad said, shaking Sho's hand I assume.

Dad helped me into the car with Leo and we sat in silence for a few moments while I calmed down from all those people.

I decided since it's about an hour to where the part is I would take a nap, so after making sure Leo was okay on the floor I turned into a wolf and curled up on the seat next to dad with my head in his lap.

He chuckled and gently stroked my head while I fell asleep.

I woke up to dad gently nudging my head. I sat up and turned back to a human before climbing out of the car once again followed by Leo.

We walked inside and my head snapped towards the direction I smelt a very VERY strong sent of chicken. Then I was tackled.

"Y/N!" Keigo yelled as he hugged me on the floor. Normally I would attack if someone tackled me mad if I couldn't Leo would but Keigo does this every time so I just let it happen.

He got off of me and helped me up after seeing the glare he was receiving from my dad.

"Hey Birdie. Great job on number three!" I told him happily. He wrapped his wings around me and scratched the base of my ear while I purred happily.

Then I smelt another scent I was familiar with, thought I didn't really like it much. Smoke.

"Hawks. Best Jeanist." Endeavor greeted in his normal angry voice. He's probably pouting again about not passing All Might and becoming number one.

They talked for a while so I went and sat on a bench in the corner to give Leo a rest time while I practiced finding certain smells.

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