Chapter 4 - USJ

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I woke up at around 6am to dad shaking me gently. I opened my eyes and sat up, waiting for a touch that would help me better locate where he was.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned my head in that direction while I could tell Leo was moving because of the sound of the bedsheets.

"Your going to the USJ today remember? I'm bringing Leo to Keigo's agency since he isn't doing anything today but I think he's gonna pop by on his morning patrol and fly you to school since you won't have Leo" dad explained while I was grabbing my uniform and waited for him to leave so I could change.

"Okay I'll be down in a sec just let me change" I told him as he left the room, closing the door softly behind him.

After throwing on my clothes and brushing my hair and teeth I made my way downstairs to grab some quick breakfast. I was almost down when I heard a knock on the door and the sound of dad walking over to it.

Then all I could smell was chicken. Well Keigo is definitely here. He came and hugged me normally since I was holding a glass bowl from my breakfast.

Him and dad talked about Leo for a minute before I was scooped up in the chicken man's arms and we shot into the air while I gripped my bag so it wouldn't fall.

As we arrived everyone gasped upon seeing the number 3 hero. I mean all the girls would fangirl over him but I didn't get it. I mean I've memorized his face by feeling it but he can't be that attractive.

"YOU KNOW HAWKS TOO!!!" Mina screamed, and I could hear her jumping around while Bakugo yelled at her to calm down.

"Yeah the birdie is my big brother figure" I to them while Keigo guided me to the Bakusquad since Sho wasn't here yet.

"Well I gotta run baby bird, I think your dads gonna come get you later so I'll see you soon!" Keigo yelled from above me and I could hear his wings flapping loudly.

The flapping quickly faded and that told me he had left, so I decided to lean on the person next to me not even bothering to figure out who it was until I got a huge whiff of nature and realized it must be Kiri. I blushed but didn't move since he hadn't made a move to push me off yet.

We waited a while before Mr. Aizawa came out and we all loaded onto the bus. I ended up next to Kiri and we were talking about random things when Mina began tapping my shoulder.

"Kiri look! Denki is sleeping on Bakugo's shoulder and Bakugo is holding him!" She whispered, explaining what was happening since I couldn't see it.

I quickly turned into a wolf and hopped onto the floor, quietly padding over to them and looking up to see the yellow haired boy peacefully asleep, cuddled into Bakugo.

I walked back to my seat and just laid down with my head in Kiri's lap, quickly falling asleep.

Kirishima P.O.V
I looked down to see Y/n with her head in my lap in her wolf form. She looked so cute so I cautiously reached down and began to stroke her head, earning a purring noise from the black animal.

I blushed at this and turned my head when I saw a flash and realized Mina and Sero were taking pictures of us.

I rolled my eyes seeing as Sero was literally almost on top of Todoroki cuddling with him yet he still felt the need to tease me.

I just laughed along with them until Mina's attention turned to Sero and Todoroki, who she decided to tease instead as they both were bright red from being called out.

Y/n P.O.V
I woke up to someone gently stroking my head and back, so I let out a quiet purr before sitting up and turning back into a human. That's when I remembered I had been sleeping on Kiri. My face flushed red at the thought.

I decided to talk to Mina and the others for a while, us all joking around minus Denki who was still out cold.

Soon we pulled up to the USJ and everyone began talking about how cool it looked while I just sat in my seat awkwardly, not knowing what to say.

As I heard everyone begin to stand up and leave the bus I felt a warm hand slide into mine.

"Here I'll help you do you don't fall" Kiri told me in a happy tone, lightly squeezing my hand which I did back.

We got off the bus and walked inside the building only to be greeted by a voice that sounded like it was coming through a tube.

Everyone was talking about it being Thirteen, the space hero. She began explaining things about the USJ and he quirk but I wasn't listening much.

Suddenly I heard everyone gasping.

"I thought we were doing rescue training?" Kiri shouted out, gripping my hand even tighter.

"Stay back, those are real villains. THIRTEEN PROTECT THE KIDS!" Mr. Aizawa yelled as his scent faded, so I assumed he went to fight the villains.

Something about one of them smelled familiar I couldn't pinpoint it.

Suddenly there was a voice from behind me and we all whipped around. There was a serious sounding male voice speaking and then suddenly I wasn't with Kiri anymore.

"Oh shit" I heard Denki breathe as his hand slid into mine, pulling me closer or him in a protective manner. I smelled many different people that I assumed were villains.

"Dude just zap them so we can get out of here!" Jiro yelled, getting nervous and impatient.

"Were you not paying attention at all during training! I can cover my body in electricity but if I try and shoot it out it will go everywhere! So I'm useless unless you are planing on getting knocked out today!" Denki shot back, gripping my hand tighter.

"Just wait here you three" I growled, letting go of Denki's hand and turning into my wolf form.

I launched myself at the first villain, tearing him to shreds but leaving him alive. After doing this with all of them I turned back into a human, catching my breath.

My three classmates came over and began complimenting me but we all froze when a loud cry of pain echoes through the USJ.

I immediately went back to wolf form and saw some big creature attacking Mr. Aizawa. I didn't even think before sprinting at it, jumping into its back and tearing at its skin only for it to just regenerate itself.

The thing was trying to shake me off but I dug my claws in and held on, trying to distract it until the other heroes arrived.

"I AM HERE!" All Might yelled from the entrance, running over just as I was flung off, knocking me unconscious.

I only remember parts of what happened next. Someone grabbing me as I turned human again, yelling, an ambulance, then darkness.

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