meet ser. des. N

673 16 6

???: did you just slap me whit that arm?

Uzi: Holly shit you can talk?

???: of course I can! You look new to the squad? I'm serial designation N!

Uzi: wait let me get this straight your name is only N?

N: yes indeed! What's your name?

Uzi: Uzi

N: I don't have a disassemble drone named Uzi in my data bank? What's your bag number?

Uzi: ummmmm I don't have a bag number?

N: *hands switch to blades* what are you then~ *pins Uzi and touches her chin whit his blades*

Uzi: wait! Please don't kill me!

N: I just want to know what you are since my servers are currently off for some reason.

Uzi: oh goes nothing....I'm a worker.

N: *blades switch to hands* okay : ) your good I won't kill you.

Uzi: wait what?

N: I'm currently trying to make peace between the disassemble drones and workers but it isn't working that great. Maybe you could help me?

Uzi: this Is a great opportunity to solve this mess! Okay ill help but promise me you won't kill me.

N: I promise.

Uzi: why is your tail trashing around?

N: oh *catches it* its because of my emotions I'm happy that I made my first ever friend!

Uzi: awww that's kind of cute your not that bad for a disassemble drone I like you- b-but like in friends don't think anything false! *blushes of embarrassment*

N: oh I know what you mean! *laughs aquardly*

Both stare at echother aquardly.

Uzi: soooooo let's talk a bit what do you think N?

N: okay! Let's go to the pod!

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