chapter 7 (rewrite)

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So I decided to delete chapter 7 and make a new chapter 7 since the chapter was a little short and practical didn't make any sense so I hope you enjoy the new chapter 7.

It's been longer then 3 hours and Uzi is still not to be heard nor found

N: oh biscuits I F'd up didn't I?

V: *laughs* you always fuck up N you never do something right!

N ignored V and decided to search for Uzi

N: I owe her a big apology for not trusting her.

N flew to the bunker busting the ventilation shaft open

N: please be in your room.

He reaches Uzis room but she wasn't there

N: oh shucks she's not here what can I do.....oh yea! I can hack her mobile device thingy!

N hacked Uzis phone easily and tracked it down.

N: okay soooo the tracker is saying she's behind this door.

N tried to open the door whit no success so he decided to just bust it open

Uzi: what the fuck?

The room was filled whit dust Uzi couldn't see anything. But then she heard a familiar voice

N: Uzi?

Uzi: N? How the hell did you find me???

N: I hacked your mobile device thingy.

Uzi only scuffed.

N: look Uzi I'm sorry for not trusting you but you need to understand we met like 3 weeks ago.

Uzi: yea I know but the enemy part hurt me! I thought you wanted peace between MD's and WD's.

N: yea I know but you entering my mind is still a bit to much to ask for Uzi...

Uzi: *sobing* I-I just wanted to be usefule for once N...

N sees her cry and he immediately tried to comfort her.

N: don't cry Uzi. Your already usefule Uzi dont be mean to your self...*he said in a soft tone*

Uzi: Ok I'm sorry for overreacting N...

N: you didn't overreact you had the full right to be mad at me. *he hugs her tightly*

Uzi: *lighty blushes* man your so cute a friend way of course!

N: don't worry Uzi no need to be ashamed calling me cute!

Uzi: you are such a dork...

N: anyways let's go back to the pod shall we?

N reached out his hand to help her up.

Uzi: let's go then!


I'm so sorry if the chapters aren't so long I'm trying to make them longer but it's kind of hard but I'll work on it.

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