Untitled Part 68

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"Why the hell is Sarah here?" Kiara scoffed looking at me as the boys questioned me, confused and clearly blind at what was before us, "what?"

"She's here, with her father," I pointed off towards the front of the plane, her legs in view from underneath the nose of the aircraft, "how do you know thats Sarah?" I deadpanned looking between the boys, "her shoes, she only wears white shoes."

Unlike everyone else I paid attention to the things and people around me whether I liked them or not, "how do you even know that?" Rolling my eyes at Kiara I sighed, looking forward again to watch and ignore everyone's sudden attitude towards me, Sarah walking around the plane and into our full view, "holy shit, she is here."

Staying quiet I didn't comment on the obvious like I would've normally, a burdening thought creeping up in the back of my mind; I should've gone home and stayed there.

Eyes peered at my face before they moved away back to the plane, watching Sarah walk around with her dad, his arm curved over her shoulders, guiding her. Ward however didn't look as calm as she did, he seemed paranoid and anxious even from this far away, the distance not hiding his panic in his stature. It was hard to tell if she knew what was going on or not, if she was in on it with him or not.

Her involvement opened a lot of packets and possibilities now that we knew what had happened to Big John. I don't think anyone would put it past Ward, there's no way he wouldn't use his daughter to further his search. "I thought you told her what happened..."

"I did Kie." She scoffs again while shaking her head, "then why is she here with him? You must have not convinced her good enough." My eyes shut in annoyance, upset with the girl more so now, "she didn't believe me, you think this is my fault, seriously?"

"Well it wasn't any of us who told them about the gold, was it?" She snapped and he turned to her glaring as Pope and JJ watched moving back from them, "I didn't tell Ward, this isn't my fault Kie..."

"Whatever..." I felt eyes on me, a glance to my side telling me John was looking at me, like he expected me to stand up for him, but I couldn't. It wasn't my place and I would rather not get into a screaming match, so instead I added on a few small words, just enough for him to relax and get her attention elsewhere, "Ward overheard them and decided to attack John, its not his fault her dad is a fucking psycho."

"Okay, plan time. We go in there, guns a-blazin', make Ward Cameron beg for mercy, abscond with as much gold as possible and vámonos, get the hell out of there." Swallowing, I crossed my arms, keeping them like that as the boys began talking and planning, distracting Kiara and John B, "down the Intracoastal, wait for weather. Exit to Cuba."

"Cuba? No, man, Xcalak, Jewel of the Yucatan. Lobsters so thick, mangoes, and no word for money." I listened, grateful that JJ and Pope changed it up quicker than I would have been able to.

"Let's do this shit."


All right, I am bacccck. A busy life is an unfortunate addition to being alive aha aha ahahahaha ahaaa.... Anyways I've been super busy not sleeping properly, hanging out with friends for a while for the first time in a few months and also helping my mom with her cattery! A busy life indeed but I'm coming back now that its all settled down and the kittens are growing well.

Serenading Sunshine - JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now