Ch 2- WHAT?!!!

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In the previous chapter

"We are not really dupain-chengs and you are not an only child..."


Third POV


That's all one could hear

And then


But among all this someone was still silent- or no shocked would be a better word to explain or rather too shocked to say something

"Marinette please say something" Tom said

Both Tom and Sabine were looking at her worried thinking What is going on in their little girl's mind

Marinette's POV

"Marinette please say something" papa said

I looked at my parents, they were looking at me with worried faces

"I-I don't you're saying that my life has been a lie...all this time..." said Marinette not being able to wrap her mind around the revealed truth

"Marinette,darling I know it's a lot to take in but please try to understand,it was all for your own good" mama said

"My own good? What are you saying mama? I thought- I thought we had no secrets-" well besides me being ladybug and all but I can't risk them getting hurt because of me "-and now you're telling me that I am not really a dupain-cheng- we are not even dupain-chengs. And that I am not an only child? I have a sibling? That I didn't even knew about?"

I feel betrayed. They kept a- no two big secrets from me.

I don't know what to to react...
How are you suppose to react when you just found out that your last name isn't real...that you have a big-

"Wait you said I have a it a boy or a girl- do I have a brother or sister?"I asked frowning

"Well they actually said you aren't an only child"alix mumbled which I don't think I was supposed to hear

I glared at her and she looked at me sheepishly

"But seriously does she have a big brother or big sister?" Adrien said, him and Luka trembling at the word 'big brother' probably because only he and Luka knows how they won over my overprotective papa's heart and don't want to go through that again with a big brother but alas to their dismay...

"Marinette you have a big brother.His name is Marino and he is 26 years old" mama said

"But wait then where has he been this whole time? I mean even if he wanted to live on his own he would need to be at least 18 years old and then I would be 8 years old so I should have remembered him?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows

"Well he is living with your uncle..." papa said

"Uncle Wang?" I am confused

"No dear not your uncle Wang..." papa said

And then I realized I never asked about our true last name nor the family origin

"Marinette dear you know about Tony Stark and Bruce Wayne right?" Mama said

"Umm not much but yes I know of them...but why are you asking?" I replied

"Well... they are your uncles..." papa said nervously

And yet again I was shocked, too shocked to say something


"Language young lady" "Oops sorry Sabine but fr I can't believe it woah"

"But wait why are you telling her About it now only?"kagami asked

Good question. Why would they tell me now like they could have told me before or they could have waited until I turned 18 or something....but why now?

Papa clears his throat and everyone looks at him

"Well....they're coming to meet you tomorrow..."


This time it was me. I was gaping, eyes wide like a saucer. I can't believe it

"AND YOU ARE JUST TELLING ME ABOUT IT? OH NO NO NO NO THIS IS A DISASTER!!! A DISASTER A DISASTER A BIG DISASTER!!!!...OMG they are coming here tomorrow!!! To meet me!!! I-I am not ready for this- I am not ready to meet them!!!!What will they think about me? Will they love me? Will they accept me as their family? Will they-"

I was cut of by Luka and Adrien hugging me. "Calm down princess, everything is gonna be just fine!! They will love you so much and-"adrien said "-and accept you as their family because you are their family ok? Don't panic it won't help the situation will it now?No right. So now take deep breaths and calm down melody"luka completed his sentence

"Ok you are right panicking wouldn't help ok ok so... OMG what do I do I can't stop thinking about it-"

"Shhh hun nothing will happen. They are family and they loves you that's why they are coming here to meet YOU only. Ok so calm down and even if they don't you know we love you so much sweetheart and we would never leave you for anyone hmm? Now shh just relax and stop over thinking about it" Papa said taking me in his bear hug making me feel safe and loved and effectively calming me down

I hugged him back and mama joined the hug making me feel even more safe and secure. We stayed like that for a while.

From my peripheral vision, I saw my friends smiling and leaving to give us some privacy

I sighed contently, wishing for nothing but to keep this safe place- my safe place with me forever.

Then we broke the hug and then...

"Umm is it a good time to say that you also have cousins who all are coming over tomorrow to meet you along with your uncles and brother...?"


Word count: 958

Hey cupcakes!!!

It's been a while huh..


Well I hope you like this chapter!!!

Btw this chapter is especially for krystal856701, asked for an update

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What is you favorite flower?

Mine is rose


Stay healthy and stay tuned!!!

Bye cupcakes!!!

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