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Requested by: JulzLovDraco4Eva. Thank you once again for another request and I hope you enjoy it. And can I just say how difficult it was to find a fitting GIF that actually worked on Wattpad?!


𝐀𝐓 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐌𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓, 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐃𝐈𝐃𝐍'𝐓 𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐖 𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐎 𝐁𝐄 𝐆𝐋𝐀𝐃 𝐎𝐑 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐑𝐘 about the fact that you landed in Narnia. You learned to love Narnia and most of it's inhabitants within only the few days you have been there and obviously wouldn't change this experience for everything in the world. But it also lead you to this terrible predicament. A predicament you would have given everything to get out of.

You were currently standing atop of a gorge, overlooking the battle raging on below you. You knew it was necessary if Narnians ever wanted a chance of living without the White Witch terrorising them. Alas, that didn't mean you enjoyed the bloodshed happening in front of you. You also quickly realised that you were up there because you were pretty much useless. Everyone that was with you, including the younger Pevensie brother and the beavers, wouldn't last longer than five minutes in a fight which was the reason why the lot of you were positioned above the battle. That was probably the worst part about it; seeing one Narnian after another fall and knowing you could do nothing to prevent it.

To be honest, you were scared out of your mind and desperately wished for the Pevensie girls to be here, having found comfort in them ever since all of you were evacuated to Professor Kirke's house. But since both of them wandered off to god knows where the night before you decided to instead concentrate on Edmund standing beside you, his presence somehow soothing.

"I'm scared.", you admitted quietly.

He turned his head to look at you and threw you a hesitant look as if he didn't know what to answer to such a simple fact. After a few seconds, he slowly took your hand in his, giving it a soft squeeze. You had to admit that your relationship had started off a bit rocky. At the beginning, Edmund was nothing but rude to everyone around him and you were quick to declare him an arrogant prick shortly after meeting him. But after he was safed from the White Witch you somehow began to bond with each other. You hated to admit it but you were just as worried about him as his siblings (although you blamed Lucy for that; contamining you with her ever so emotional attitude). It wasn't long until one wonderful friendship more began to blossom and now the two of you were surprisingly close, more often than not found at each other's side.

Edmund turned his head back to the scene in front of you and whispered back: "I know, I am too."

Honestly, that wasn't the answer you have hoped for but it was the best you could get at this moment. And so both of you went back to observing the battle. It was difficult to make out which side had the upper hand, both of them having lost several troops with more oncoming. It almost seemed infinite. As if this could go eternally, soldiers killing each other without any use because there would always be more following after them.

But what was clearly noticeable was Jadis, the White Witch herself, making her way through the masses, turning everyone into stone that dared to cross her way. She had intimidated you since you first saw her, but now she seemed more terrifying than ever. More fierce. More... dangerous. While you were watching her swinging her magical staff at everyone in reach, you didn't fail to notice that she was slowly but surely going towards Peter who was leading his army as best as he could, aswell as trying to keep himself alive.

Apparently, Edmund saw it too because before the White Witch could even get near Peter, he sprinted down, forcing Jadis' attention onto himself. That was also the moment you definitely saw red. Before you could even properly think about you ran after him as fast as you could, completely ignoring Mr. Beaver's cries from behind you.

It was clear that Edmund was no match for the witch, barely being able to deflect her blows. Only a short while later he would have been a stone sculpture for sure if you wouldn't have finally caught up with him, practically swooping in like some sort of guardian angel. You didn't even fully realise what you were doing but just as the White Witch was about to strike Edmund, you brought down your own sword, destroying her wand in one motion.

For a moment, time seemed to stand still. You couldn't hear anything besides the sound of the shattering wand, the force that errupted from it almost throwing you back. The White Witch let out a shocked cry which soon turned into a growl of anger, her burning glare shifting to you.

If the time stood still a minute ago then it was going twice as fast now. She quickly fixed her gaze on, you with all intention to pierce you with her broken weapon. But suddenly, it wasn't you anymore who stood infront of her. No, you were lying in the ground the ground, pushed aside by the boy who was now facing her instead. What a fine guardian angel you were. You weren't even able to move before she struck out, quick to impale Edmund in your stead.

You were so shocked that the next few minutes became a blur. You just sat there, holding your friend in your arms and desperately wished for him to stay alive. You may have already said that you were afraid but now it was at least three times worse. You didn't know what to do. You couldn't just leave Edmund but you also didn't know how to help him. And you felt even worse when he coughed up a hoarse: "I'm scared. I don't want to die."

 The only thing you could do was softly whisper to him: "It's all right. You're going to be all right." Over and over again. Only in the hopes of him staying alive long enough for someone to be able to safe him.

You couldn't even remember the exact order of events happening later on. Everything suddenly got so confusing. That was, until you heard Aslan roar. You couldn't believe it. He was supposed to be dead! But he was really there and he didn't hesitate long to take down the White Witch and safe Peter who was pinned down by one of her swords. It was like the whole atmosphere changed. You won. Just like that. The Narnians had their land back. But while you were immensely relieved, you couldn't really enjoy the moment. You were to worried about Edmund who looked like he was about to die.

Luckily, it shouldn't come to that. Within only a second all the Pevensies were standing around you aswell as Aslan. Lucy pulled quickly her cordial out, giving Edmund a sip. You all took in a sharp breath, praying that it would work. Far too long nothing happened but then, thank god, the reckless boy opened his eyes and the colour flooded back into his face.

You let the siblings have their moment first. It was adorable how all former quarrels were suddenly forgotten and everything seemed all right again. After Edmund wasn't smothered any more by three different pairs of arms, you knelt down to him.You didn't even realise that you stood up and started pacing while waiting for the cordial to take effect.

„You scared me.", you spoke once again. For your liking, you have used that word far too often for one day. But it was true, you wouldn't have known what to do if he had really died. While you were giving him a firm hug, he mumbled: „I'm sorry I scared you."

You only smiled and gave him a soft kiss on the cheek. „Don't be. I mean, everything's fine now, isn't it?"

But neither of you appeared all too convinced. Having fought in a war wasn't something you forget easily. With a silent nod you hugged again, holding onto each other as if it would let you forget the fear you both had felt during the last couple of days.


Did this imagine turn ou all right? I hope it did because I'm really not too sure about it. Anyway, if it isn't entirely according to the film then it is because I simply went off my memories since Disney + somehow refused to let me watch it and I have no idea why...

Sweet dreams

- Dreamy

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