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Y/n didn't even know why Otto would consider it. The claim belonged to Lucerys and everyone knew that yet some of them chose to not see it. Y/n looked at Jacaerys a few times and every time she caught the eye contact. She wasn't experienced with men so every time she turned her gaze away. No man before made her nervous but Jacaerys was different, he actually made her feel something. Y/n felt weird seeing Otto on the throne, hr was her grandfather of course, but it just felt wrong to see him sitting the iron throne. Otto never really treated Y/n well he always compared her to Helaena. Helaena was the sweet one who wouldn't hurt a fly and Y/n was just Y/n. The one who wasn't afraid to hurt others, the one who wasn't afraid of dirty work, the one that wasn't afraid to speak her mind loudly. Y/n was actually more like her uncle, Daemon. Otto hated Daemon so it when Y/n turned to be like him he started to hate her too. Y/n at first was hurt by that but when years passed she didn't give a fuck. She had wonderful younger brother who was there for her. Rhaenyra was there for her too but not always since Rhae had her own family now. Vaemond's speech didn't really prove anything. Y/n waited until it was Rhaenyra's turn.

"Are you secretly cheering for our half sister?" Aemond asked her.

"Are you secretly cheering for someone who wants to steal your nephew's birthright?"

"He took my eye, I couldn't care less about him." Y/n rolled her eyes.

"He was a child, you were a child. Get over it. You gained a dragon."

"It does not change the fact that the bastard took my eye."   

"Then go for it" Y/n pulled out her dagger, valyrian steel. "go and take our nephew's eye." Aemond looked at Y/n suprised.

"I am not stupid to do it now."

"Oh, so you are planning to do it?"

"I was a kid scared shitless. I just claimed a dragon after many years I was so happy.  The bunch of savages jumped on me..."

"They were children too, even younger than you. The girls were hurt, their mother just died."

"But a dragon is not something you can inherit."

"She was a kid, she was grieving." Their conversation was cut short when someone opened the door.

"King Viserys of House Targaryen. The First of His Name, King of the Andals, and the Rhoynar, and the First Men. Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm." Y/n looked at her granfather, he was barely walking. It was heartbreaking sight. Y/n just couldn't help but wonder, did he came for Rhaenyra? Yesterday he was sick in his bed unable to move or speak and today he was walking, because his daughter needed him.

"I will sit the throne today." Viserys said. Y/n smiled warmly seeing Otto step down.

"Your grace." Otto joined Alicent and her family. Viserys kept walking until in one moment his crown fell to the ground. Y/n gasped. Daemon walked to Viserys and picked up his crown.

"I said I'm fine..." Viserys noticed that it's Daemon. Y/n felt her heart melt a little when she saw Daemon helping up Viserys. He helped him get to the throne and placed the crown on his head. It was something emotional since these two were always arguing. Later Rhaenys walked forth and Y/n heard something that she didn't want to hear.

"It was ever so my husband's will that Driftmark will pass through ser Laenor to his trueborn son, Lucerys Velaryon. His mind never changed, nor did my support of him. As a matter of fact princess Rhaenyra had just informed me of her desire to marry her sons Jace and Luke to Lord Corlys' grandaughters, Baela and Rhaena... a proposal to which I heartily agree." Y/n looked at Jacaerys but he was looking at Baela. Y/n looked at Aemond who noticed it.

"Don't tell me you found this bastard attractive."

"Shut up." Y/n was already annoyed that Jacaerys was betrothed. Why would that upset her? She barely knew him... That's what upset her even more.

"Those bastards only bring pain. You are lucky to not be betrothed to him, he would disappoint you."

"Now you are talking like Aegon." Y/n scoffed. Everything became annoying to her.

"Is it the time of month, Y/n?" It took everything in Y/n to not slap her younger brother. He was always such a sweetie but Today he was annoying. Y/n was cut off again by Vaemond.

"Her children are bastards!" Y/n raised her eyebrows. What the hell happened now? She even felt sorry for her nephews. "And she is... a whore."

"I will... have your tongue for that." Viserys stood up. One swift motion of Daemon's sword and Vaemond's head wasn't with his body anymore.

"He can keep his tongue." Y/n didn't even flinch when the head rolled towards her. She was angry too, that cunt called her sister a whore. Y/n kicked the head so it rolled back towards the body."

"Y/n!" Alicent whispered. "What was that?" Alicent was clearly, mad. Y/n shrugged.

"Nothing, mother." The last word was like a poison in Y/n's mouth. "Nothing wrong. He called our future queen a whore." Alicent didn't respond to that."

"So is it the time of the month?" Aemond asked.

"It is not. Stop being a cunt." The court came to an end.

"Am I the cunt now? Seems like yours is dripping for the bastard" Y/n didn't know how to feel about this one... A shame or rage?

"What the hell is wrong with you Today? Did Lucerys take your balls as well?" Y/n left the throne room. Aemond wasn't the nicest person but he was nice to her. Y/n noticed Rhaenyra walking out of the throne room.

"Rhaenyra?" Y/n approached her older sister. Rhaenyra looked a little bit tense probably from all the words that Vaemond said.

"Sweet sister." Rhaenyra smiled faintly. Y/n looked at her pregnant belly.

"You shouldn't get upset so much... You are carrying a babe." Y/n smiled back.

"I know but it had to be done."

"The court or the execution?" Y/n was simply curious.

"Both." Daemon answered. Y/n was indifferent towards Daemon, they never really talked.

"Well, a pleasant suprise. So when the big weddings?" Y/n faked a smile.

"We don't want to rush our young ones. How about you? Did someone melt the heart of lady with a sword?" Rhaenyra laughed.

"Nah, all of them are morons." Rhaenyra raised her eyebrow.

"Really no one? I heard that they began to call you 'The Ice Queen'."

"Really?" It sounded cool at least to Y/n. "Why?"

"They said you don't have a heart, only ice." Y/n chuckled.

"That's stupid. Can't a woman remain unmarried?"

"I would really like you to choose your own path."

"Well, it doesn't matter anymore. I'm betrothed to Aegon."

"Betrothed to who?!" Jacaerys was clearly furious. Was it because he didn't like Aegon or because he liked Y/n?

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