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Y/n raised her eyebrows at Jace's reaction. Rhaenyra was suprised too.

"To her older brother, Aegon." Rhaenyra answered for Y/n. Y/n just nodded slowly. Jacaerys didn't look like the sweet boy anymore.

"But Aegon already has a wife... I know it's not THAT uncommon for Targaryens to have more than one wife but isn't it disrespectful? To both princess Y/n and princess Helaena?" There he was, the gentleman.

"My mother's faith doesn't allow it, however we are Targaryens we believe in valyrian gods..." Y/n tried to be respectful to her father's decision, in front of Rhaenyra at least.

"But isn't a marriage supposed to be focused on love? How can someone give a heart to two people?" Y/n smirked. Jacaerys was so innocent it almost made her laugh.

"It's not the matter of love, it's political matter." Y/n never was a romantic but perhaps somewhere deep inside she wished for love. Rhaenyra smiled at that words, it brought memories of when Daemon said that to her. "It's late... If you excuse me... I shall leave to my chamber." Y/n was about to walk away but Jace stopped her.

"Wait... I can walk you to your chamber, princess Y/n. There is a matter I would like to discuss with you." Jacaerys proposed his arm to Y/n. She didn't know how to react so she just accepted it. Jacaerys was walking slowly wanting this moment to last a little longer. Y/n was never silent, she always spoke out loud but right now she didn't seem to mind the silence. "Are you happy with it?" Jace asked suddenly.

"Happy with what?" She didn't understand at first. Perhaps she was too deep in her thoughts, perhaps she focused on the feeling she had when she was with Jacaerys. It was something new, something that she didn't experience before.

"You marrying Aegon."

"Oh... that." Y/n didn't like to talk about that. It was depressing enough. "Well, it's a duty."

"Is it? Prince Aegon has heirs." Y/n shrugged.

"I hate the thought of marrying him." Y/n answered honestly. Jacaerys nodded. He understood her and her feelings towards it.

"If I was free to marry I would marry you." If was the key word. Y/n couldn't help but feel her chest hurt a little. She was happy for Baela, of course... but Y/n couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to be betrothed to Jacaerys. Was it jealousy? Y/n wondered. Perhaps not, she didn't see her nephew for a quite time... Actually, ten years.

"That's nice." She kept the fake smile on her face. What else was she supposed to do? Jacaerys was just being nice. That's what she thought... perhaps it would hurt less than knowing that he meant it. Y/n didn't understand what was happening to her, she never felt that kind of feelings. Maybe she was just emotionally drained at this point?

"If I were free to marry... would you marry me?" Y/n didn't even mind Jacaerys being a bastard, he still was a Targaryen.

"I don't like the 'what if', Jacaerys. You aren't free to marry, me neither. Is there any reason you wanted to accompany me now?"

"I didn't see you in years, princess. I wanted to talk to you." Y/n slowly nodded.

"Is that all, prince?"

"Yes, princess."

"How is your high valyrian going?" Y/n decided to change the subject. She was actually curious how Jace stands with that language, she found it quite easy to learn.

"Great." Y/n saw through his lies. It was kind of funny.

"Valyrio muño ēngos ñuhys issa..." Y/n was about to say more when she notices Jacaerys' gaze. He had no clue what she said. Valyrian is my mother tongue.

"Something about mother." Y/n giggled, the prince was sweet and curious.

"I mean yeah something." She chuckled again. Jacaerys slowly grabbed her arm turning her to face him. He was younger but taller, that made Y/n to raise her head a little.

"Come on what did you said?" His brown eyes, how pretty they looked... All focused on Y/n.

"Valyrian is my mother tongue." Y/n decided to translate it. The touch of Jacaerys brought something new to her, some kind of... excitement?

"See! I was close with the mother thing." They both laughed. Jacaerys still had Y/n's arm in his grasp, as soon as he noticed he took his hand away.

"Why did you stay? Luke's claim is secured so why? Because of Viserys?" Rhaenyra's family had life on Dragonstone so Y/n couldn't help but wonder.

"Grandsire wanted to host a dinner today but he isn't feeling well so it will be tomorrow. My mother is pregnant so we all wished to remain here so she wouldn't have to travel so much." Y/n felt weird, her nephew cared so much about his mother. She never cared about Alicent like that, it made her feel a little guilty but why? It is Alicent who pushed Y/n away.

"It seems like you care about your mother, my prince." Jace smiled, he did love his mother with all of his heart. Rhaenyra raised her children well, she loved them... but then again she had them with someone she loved, it wasn't forced.

"Like every child, of course I care about my mother." Y/n felt unpleasant sting, she didn't care for her mother.... was she a monster for that? For not caring for someone who just pushed her out of their womb, cared at first, and when it became hard abandoned? Alicent cared about Helaena and perhaps Aemond. Alicent never really cared about Aegon or Y/n, but then again Aegon deserved it. Well... after he became a monster that he is now. "Did I say something wrong, princess?" Jacaerys was clearly worried, he never meant to say something wrong or hurt Y/n.

"No, I just lost myself in my thoughts... So you will stay until tomorrow?" She tried to not think about relationship with her mother.

"The dinner will be pretty late so I guess the day after tomorrow... in the morning I think. Well, my mother knows for sure."

"I understand. Well, a shame that you won't stay longer." Y/n admitted.

"The situation between our families is heated since..." Jacaerys didn't really lnow how to call it but Y/n understood quickly.

"Since my crazy mother rushed at yours with a dagger? Yeah, I realize." Still, she didn't know how her mother could do something like that. Alicent had every right to be angry, Aemond lost an eye but how could she rush with a dagger? And for what? Lucerys' eye? If so why did she cut Rhaenyra? Heat of moment is a good excuse but it didn't justify Alicent's actions.

"It was a pretty bad night... everything could have gone differently."

"It distanced us as well... I regret it, Y/n. I was happy to write letters to you." Y/n never really saw these letters, Alicent didn't allow her to. Y/n decided to pretend.

"They were lovely, truly. I'm glad you didn't forget about me on Dragonstone." Y/n chuckled. Y/n didn't even notice when she and Jacaerys reaches her chamber.

"So I guess this is your stop, princess. I must say your company is pleasant."

"Your company is pleasant as well, my prince. Thank you for keeping me company." Y/n bowed her head, Jacaerys did the same.

"It is always good to talk to you... goodnight, princess." Y/n walked into her chamber. Jacaerys made her feel different but she still couldn't put her finger on it. She was completely different person around him. She took a long bath thinking about the day, it was kind of wild but ended happily. Y/n wore her nightgown and tucked herself under the covers. She loved laying in her warm bed. All she could think about was Jacaerys and the fact that she will see him again tomorrow. Y/n was so ready for that.

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