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Perhaps she wasn't so ready after all. Looking at the situation right now. Her hands covered in blood, not her blood. She wasn't scared of blood however it made her feel tense. Her head was spinning but it was nothing serious, that's what she thought at least.

Everything began at the morrow when Y/n was woken up by one of the servants. Y/n was actually grateful to wake up so early, usually she would sleep longer but since they had guests she was glad to wake up earlier. The very first thing she did was searching for Aemond, she knew he would be in the training yard.

"Brother." She says with a soft smile on her face. It was unlike her, to be so soft and happy. Aemond perhaps would be please to see Y/n like that but not after some Strong boy walked her to her chamber yesterday.

"I hope you didn't bring more bastards to the family." He said coldly. Y/n frowned at her younger brother's words.

"You have no shame."

"It is not me who wishes to fuck a bastard." Y/n's eyes widened.

"You truly have no shame! I'm not like Aegon, I don't fuck everything that moves." She says clearly offended.

"You are not so innocent like Helaena either." Y/n rolled her eyes, of course she would get compared to her twin.

"I've heard this before, mother used to say this a lot... So shut your mouth I don't need more of this." Aemond nodded. He didn't mean to hurt her but the thought of her sleeping with a bastard was disgusting to him.

"Don't pretend you do care about what mother says." Y/n chuckled, it was the truth. She didn't care, not anymore. "I can spare with you if that will make you feel better."

"Oh, so you truly want to get your ass kicked? With a pleasure." Y/n takes a sword, her favorite valyrian steel.

"So eager to kick your little brother's ass?" Aemond teased a little.

"You are not small anymore. You are taller than me, a lot. Perhaps the lost eye made you stronger." Y/n chuckled. Of course, she felt bad for him back then but now they were both joking about it, well... Sometimes Aemond gets mad over it. The same thing happened right now, she provoked him so he rushed at her with his sword. Y/n dodged smiling innocently, Aemond was usually a calm person but his older sister had a talent for annoying him greatly. She took advantage of him swinging all the time, it wasn't smart of him because he let his emotions loose what made his strucks less precise. The fight wasn't short, bith of them were great but finally someone had to loose. A sudden pause, the cold blade pressed against a throat... Aemond's throat. "Gotcha." Y/n won, and she was pride of it. Little did she know that prince Jacaerys watched the whole fight. Y/n pulled her sword away from Aemond's throat.

"I was distracted." Aemond said calmly.

"By what, dear brother?" Y/n mocked. Of course, he couldn't just admit that she was better.

"By your favorite nephew watching." Y/n's eyes widened slightly, she turned around but Jacaerys wasn't there anymore.

"You aren't funny." Y/n frowns, perhaps she hoped to see Jacaerys, because there wasn't any other explanation.

"Oh, how your eyes sparkled, dear sister." It was his turn to tease. Y/n just hit his shoulder.

"Sure, I just wanted the nephews to see how a real fight is done." Her little smirk came back.

"You got lucky, sister." Y/n rolled her eyes.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, brother."

"Whatever you feel for that bastard must came to an end. You are betrothed to our brother, he is a moron but still you are already betrothed." Y/n nodded slowly.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2023 ⏰

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