Chanel's Story

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"Bzzzzzzz" I woke up as I heard the sound of my phone vibrating. Who is rude enough to text me at...  oh, it's 11 o'clock, already? I rolled out of bed and checked my phone, there was a text message from my best friend, Miracle. "WAKE UP, BITCH!!!!!!", she wrote in all caps, "She is so extra" I said to no one in particular. I got up out of the bed, and walked into my bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. See, my mom has this thing about people leaving there room before they brush there teeth, she acts like you're the dirtiest person ever if you walk out of your room before brushing your teeth. I put on my Clearasil Morning Burst face scrub, and proceeded to brush my teeth, once I was finished, I ran my shower water. I walked out of the bathroom to my closet and slipped out of my clothes, turning on my iHome before getting back in the shower. I sang along to Rihanna ft. Chris Brown Cake as I washed my body. Once I was out of the shower, I walked into my room and made up my bed, another one of my moms pet peeves, as you can see by now my mother is completely OCD. The woman is insane! I sat on my bed and put lotion on my body, I threw on some shorts, a tank top, and some socks, and left my room. "Why is it so quite?" I said to myself as I headed in the direction of my little brother Cameron's room, it was empty. I walked downstairs to my moms room, which was also empty. I went to the kitchen to look at the note I knew my mom would have left on the dry erase board, it read: Chanel, I have to pull a double at the hospital today, Cam went to Anthony's house to spend the night. I left some money for you on my nightstand, go out and have fun Mamacita, invite Miracle over, DO SOMETHING! Love, mommy. I laughed, she's always trying to  get rid of me. I walked over to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of orange juice, my favorite drink, just then the house phone rang. "Hey mama" I spoke into the receiver "Hey Nell, I can't believe you're up" "You act like I just sleep all day" "So, you don't?" "Ha Ha, you on break?" "Yeah, what are you going to do today" "I don't know, probably tell Mimi to come over and order a pizza or something"  "Sounds boring you need to go somewhere, you're such a couch potato" "Ma,  I am not" "Are too, go somewhere, get out of the house. Your mother has spoken!" "Okay, okay" "Bye, love you" "Bye, ma, love you too"

I sat on the couch and picked up my phone to call Miracle, as the phone rang I started thinking about what I was going to wear today "Helllllo" she said when she answered the phone "What you doing today?" I asked  "Coming over there, I been waiting on your lazy ass to wake up" "Whatever,  well come on if you coming" "You gone meet me" she asked "Am I gone what?" "Hoe, don't get brand new" "Ugh" I groaned into the phone "Come on Nell, I don't want to walk down there by myself" "Okay, damn crybaby. I'm about to go put on my shoes" "Thought so" "It's not too late for me to change my mind, bye", I yelled into the receiver and hung up. I ran upstairs to put on my shoes and left to go meet Miracle. I walked down the hill until I saw her lugging her bag up the hill. "Come on Miracle it's hot out here" "Girl, how you hot when you don't even have on any pants?" "Shut up, and lets go" "I'm digging the fit by the way" she said with sarcasm. I just looked at her and kept walking, it's too hot to stand here and talk. When we finally got to my house we both fell onto the couch. "It's too hot out there" Mimi said, I know right I said as I got up and walked to the kitchen" "You want a PowerAde?" I asked her "Yeah, I want red" she yelled from the couch, I grabbed one red and one blue PowerAde and walked back to the loving room. "What you want to do today" Miracle asked after downing her drink. " I don't know that's why you're here" "Okay, I'm gone call  Bubba".

Miracle reached in her bag to get her phone and called Bubba, her boyfriend. "What's up, baby" "Hey Bubba" Miracle said into the receiver, "Hey Bubba", I screamed over Miracle's shoulder. "Chanel, said hey" she spoke into the phone "Tell her I said what's up", Bubba said. "What you doing today?", Chanel asked him, "I don't l know, me and Chris playing the game now" "Chris with you?" "Yeah, he said where y'all at?" "Chanel house" "Hold on, Chris want to talk to you" "Okay", Miracle said, looking at me weird.

~Miracle and Chris's Conversation~

"Hello", Miracle said to Chris.

"What y'all doing" he asked.

"Nothing, trying to find something to do.

"We 'bout to come over there"

"Don't you think you should ask Chanel first?" Miracle said, smiling.

"You right. Where she at"

"Right here" Miracle said handing Chanel the phone.

"Hello?" Chanel said into the phone.

"Wassup, Chanel?"

"Hey, Chris", Chanel said smiling.

"Can I come chill with you?:

"Yeah, I guess" Chanel said shrugging.

"You guess?"

"Ugh, come on if you coming... Bye, Chris"

Once they were off of the phone, the girls squealed. "You know Chris like you, right?" Miracle asked Chanel. "Whatever" Chanel replied. The girls sat there looking at each other, then Miracle jumped up and said "What are we gone wear?" And they both ran upstairs to Chanel's room.

-Authors Note: Tell me what you think. it's going to get better, I know it's starting off slow...I hope you guys like it.

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