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I woke up to the smell of Bacon. I opened my eyes and I saw Cam staring back at me "What's up?" he blurted out and laughed "What the hell, Cam?" I yelled. laughing and throwing a pillow at him. "Wait" he said turning up his nose "before you start yelling at me, GO brush YOUR TEETH" he said, trying to keep a straight face. I laughed, but listened. I walked into my bathroom, cut on the light, and looked at my face in the mirror. It had been a few days since, the night of the party, the swelling on my face had gone down, my lip was still swollen, and my hand was still wrapped up, but I was okay. After examining myself in the mirror, I proceeded to brush my teeth, wash my face, and put my hair into a ponytail. I only sleep in a bra and shorts,  so I grabbed a shirt out of my drawer. "Ready" I called searching for Cam, but he was gone. I walked out of my room, down stairs into the kitchen where I found my mom cooking, and Cam cutting up fruit "Good morning" my mom said not really paying any attention to me. "Hello family" I said joining them in the kitchen, I began to do my job, which was making waffles, my mom had already whipped up the batter and the waffle iron was plugged up and ready for me to begin. "Ma, why you make so much batter?" I asked. I've been making waffles for fifteen minutes, it seems. "Because, y'all greedy" she said giving Cam a look. What the hell is going on in this house? I thought to myself. My mom disappeared in her room, and I got Cam to myself "So" I said, trying to be nonchalant, but failing miserably "So" he said, paying too much attention to the fruit he was still cutting on. "What's REALLY going on, Cam? No bullshit" "No what?" my mom asked rounding the corner "Nothing, ma" I said, I popped a strawberry into my mouth, and my mom swatted my hand "You take your allergy medicine?" she asked, knowing the answer to her own question. I'm severely allergic to Citrus fruit, last year my throat closed because I ate some damn watermelon, that's bullshit. "Yes, ma. I'm a big girl", I lied. "She lying" Cam snitched "Sorry Nell, but I don't want you to die" he said "It's all good" I said before going upstairs to get my medicine.

After I took my medicine, I checked my phone, Miracle had text me, as well as Chris. I decided to call Miracle "Hello?" she answered on the first ring "What's up?" I asked getting straight to the point, there was breakfast to beaten downstairs, I want mine hot. "What you doing?" she asked "Nothing, about to eat breakfast" "Ooh. I want some" "Come up here, but I'm telling you now, I'm not meeting you" "I wasn't gone ask, all I want to know is what she cook?" "Sausage, bacon, fruit salad, Belgium waffles, cheese Omelets', toast, and oatmeal" "Ooh, I'm on my way" she said, and hung up. Just then, the door bell rang. Damn, she's fast I thought as I headed out of my room. "I got it" I heard Cam scream. Who the hell is that? I thought to myself. I know Mimi isn't that fast.

I got downstairs and rounded the corner to the living room and froze. It was the twins, Daniel and Ariel, my older siblings. You see, my mom and dad have known each other since my dad came to this country from Kingston, Jamaica. Only, my mom was never allowed to date my dad. My mom lived in Georgia with her Dominican mother, but she would go to Queens, New York to visit her fathers side  of the family, because after her father  was killed her mother moved away. One summer when she was thirteen, she met my dad, who had just moved to Queens. They hit it off, but her grandmother was not having it. She would not let her grand daughter end up with some thug, and have her heart broken like so many women in their family, so she sent her back to Georgia. My dad had just been sent here  from Kingston, Jamaica by his mother to stay out of trouble. His mother couldn't come to America because, let's just say she did some not so legal things. He was 15 years old when he came here, his dad had only been killed a year before, and that's how he and my mom hit it off. They both knew how it felt to have there father taken away from them. When my grandma sent my mom back to Georgia my dad met the twins mom, Angela. They were just 'friends with benefits', that's what they tell everyone, but she ended up getting pregnant, at first they thought it was just a boy Daniel, but then in the delivery room, they found out that there was a girl as well, Ariel.

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