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Rocket and Groot got back to the ship from the city after looking for Amy, Rocket was an absolute mess.

"Amy just got captured!!!" Rocket screamed out while mad and frustrated entering the ship.

"I Am Groot?! (Do you have an Idea of who took her?!)" Groot Asked while behind him.

"I don't freakin know!!" Rocket answered still frustrated and pissed.

"Well, What I Do know is that she got taken in an Alleyway!" Rocket told Groot.

"I Am Groot?! (Well how do you know for sure?!)" Groot then asked him.

"Because I found this!! Laying on the ground in the Alley!!" Rocket answered him as he pulled out Amy's Bracelet raising it in anger and showing it to him.

"It's her Bracelet Groot! She's gone!!" Rocket screamed at Groot while tearing up.

Rocket stood there holding up the bracelet towards him breathing heavily in anger and also expressing sadness and guilt.

"...And it's all my fault ...Again..." Rocket said before lowering it down and slowly walking away.

He walked up to an empty cargo crate, He then grabbed it and threw it at the wall.

"GAAAAH!!!!!!" Rocket screamed while grabbing his head Pissed at himself.

He then leaned his back against the wall catching his breath, Groot felt sorry for Rocket and the fact Amy was now missing.

"...I shouldn't have left her on the ship alone... Knowing she's the type of girl who would all because I wanted to fix things with her and make her comfortable!... And I just made them worse... *Sob* I'm a curse in her life Groot... *Sob* She almost died on Earth after helping me, Because of me, Her heart was broken last night because of me and now she's gone because of me!! All because of me being so! FREAKIN STUPID!!- STUPID!- STUPID!- STUPID!- STUPID!- STUPID!- STUPID!!! *Crying*." Rocket told Groot punching on the wall each time he shouted the word "Stupid".

Then turned around and leaned his back against the wall again sliding down to the floor.

Now curled up sitting against the wall crying and grieving for Amy, Groot was emotional too and felt his pain, He then slowly walked up and sat down against the wall next to him as he cried, Groot slowly reached out and gently placed his hand on him.

"I Am Groot. (Being mad and beating yourself up over it is not gonna fix it Rocket.)" Groot told him.

"Then what is? *Sob* Honestly, I should've made her Come with us, Hell! I should've stayed with her! Here on the ship! And sent you to pick up the fuel rods instead!" Rocket told Groot still upset.

"...I Am Groot. (...Amy recognized what you were trying to do, She just needed time to process the whole thing while she never knew this would happen to her... You did nothing wrong Rock, She still knew your true heart, There's no reason to blame yourself.)" Groot explained to Rocket trying to calm him.

"That still doesn't change the fact that she Gone Groot..." Rocket responded.

"...I Am Groot (...Well the best bet is to start putting tracking devices on whoever leaves the ship alone.)" Groot suggested to Rocket.

"Why didn't I ever think of that... *Sob*." Rocket responded in regret.

He obviously trusted Amy thinking she wouldn't do that, He was dwelling in it for a bit until he had a thought, And slowly raised his head up.

"...Tracking." Rocket said.

Groot turned to him in confusion, Rocket then slowly turned towards him.

"...Tracking... You just brought up tracking devices, Right?..." He asked Groot.

Amy And The Guardians: Vol 1Where stories live. Discover now