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"Wake up," I heard someone say, followed by some banging.

"Come on we have to leave soon!" I heard the same voice again, though it seemed to come from closer.

Rubbing my eyes a little I lift myself to sit halfway up my bedframe on the cushiony bed.  The door slammed open, the once-dark room was now lit. I close my eyes letting myself adjust to the light coming in through the door.

Standing at the opening was my brother Harry Potter. "The Chosen One" as people from Hogwarts liked to call him. But to me, he was my dimwit twin brother that happened to get into too much trouble for my liking.

"Bloody hell, Harry I'm up!" I mumble, sliding down my bedframe, pulling the lilac-colored bedsheets over my head.

"Doesn't seem to me like you are Hera," he said, walking over from the door to where my bed is in the middle of the room. Harry rips the covers off of me, a cold chill shot up my body as I snapped my head towards him giving him a warning glare.

"Ok, I'm up now," I said, groaning as I sat up on my bed. He sighs and walks towards the open door he was standing by.

"Good, it's you're first year at Hogwarts and I don't want us to be late for the train!" Harry yells out as he walks out from the doorway and down the hall to his room. I almost forgot today was the day we were leaving for Hogwarts.

Three years ago when Hagrid came to take us I ended up applying for Beauxbaton's Academy of Magic in France. I thought it would be good for Harry and me to go to different schools. We've been together and done everything with each other our entire lives. I thought it would be good for us to get a break from each other for a little bit.

After my second year at Beauxbaton's, I found myself missing Harry too much. With all the stupid things he gets himself into, there was no way I could leave him alone any longer. Though I did stay for another year. But, after I heard what had happened to Harry last term I couldn't keep myself from transferring to Hogwarts.

It was a system, Harry gets himself into trouble and I end up having to get him out of it. I've always been the more reasonable twin if I do say so myself.

We had gone to the platform with all our luggage, and we were meeting up with the Weasleys. Harry had mentioned them before, especially Ron and the twins. Though I don't know if Harry ever mentioned anything about me. For all I know they might think they're meeting Harry by the platform. We walked around for a while trying to spot the family of redheads.

"I didn't know it would be this hard to find a group of people with bright red hair," I said, as I continued to walk. After a while, I didn't hear a response. Looking to my side where Harry once was I couldn't find him. I sigh rubbing my temples and looking around, the station was too packed for me to spot him or the redheads.

"Great, we're not even at Hogwarts and he's already missing," I mutter to myself. The kids from the platform started to file into the train. The train was about to leave for Hogwarts so I guess I could look for him inside. Harry's not dumb enough to not get on the train and he should know I can take care of myself.

I step into the train and look back at the platform. Parents were there I assume they have a first year and took them to the platform as it was their first time. Sighing I enter the train and start going down the hall.

I start looking into the different compartments for Harry and his friends. Someone bumps into me harshly pushing past me.

"Watch where you're going," I hear the person sneer at me.

I snap my head back to where they were. It was a tall boy, definitely not a first-year. Blonde hair laying neatly on his face, with piercing blue eyes staring into mine. He wore a neat black suit, hands in his front pockets. We continued to stare at each other for what felt like forever. I snap out of this weird trance remembering that he pushed past me.

"Whatever blondie, I'm looking just for my brother," I say rolling my eyes at him. He looks at me up and down raising his eyebrow, a smirk growing on his face.

"You know I've never seen you before, what's your name?" He asks adjusting his stance while raking his hand through his hair.

"Hera, Hera Potter," I say.

"Potter? As in Harry Potter?" He sneered a sour expression growing on his face.

"Yes, as in Harry Potter."

"He's my twin brother," I said glaring at the way he said Harry's name.

"I didn't know that Potter had a twin sister, hopefully, you aren't as brainless as your bother is," he said scoffing. I storm over to him, giving him a jab to the stomach.

Getting closer I whisper into his ear, "Don't talk about my brother like that around me."

I step away from him.

"What the fuck?" he yells at me.

"Look I don't care if you have something against my brother, but can you tell me where he is," I ask. He scoffs looking around for a second, then looking back at me.

"He's down a few compartments with Weaslebee and that mud-blood Granger," He said.

"I don't even know why I'm helping her," He whispered to himself.

"Well thanks, I guess," I said boredly, walking past him. I could still feel his eyes on me as I walk down the hall looking into the compartments.

Two or three compartments down I saw Harry with a ginger-haired boy and a brunette.

"At least he wasn't lying," I said to myself, before knocking on the door to the compartment. Their heads snap towards me, and I could see Harry's eyes grow wider as he saw me.

My Brother's Enemy - Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now